Microaggressions are indirect or unintentionally racist, sexist, ageist, or otherwise offensive. They are a widespread problem with significant consequences on a person's mental and physical health.
According to a meta-analysis of multiple studies, Experiencing repeated discrimination, including microaggressions, increases rates of anxiety, depression, and heart disease.
People of color deal with microaggressions. A study by Michigan State University and Mills College looked at mental strategies Latin students use to deal with microaggressions. The researchers gave some advice and called for more research to help people of color deal with racism. Diversity consultants told Insider that it's important for allies to stop microaggressions while they're happening.
Beverly Tatum, a nationally recognized scholar and author of multiple books on race in America, previously told Insider that allies need to support their Black colleagues and colleagues of color in the aftermath of 2020.
A white person should think about what they can do to make a difference. "I said so."
Business Insider asked experts what to do if you witness a microaggression against a colleague. sample script of what to say is one of the ways to respond.
The article was published in June 2020.
Speak up and address it directly.
Sheena Howard, associate professor of communication for the online Masters of Business Communication program at Rider University, said it's important for allies to stand up for their Black and brown colleagues at work.
If a white colleague asks to touch a black colleague's hair without their consent, an ally should speak up and call it out.
A white colleague named Jane can stand up against this form of racism. Howard told Business Insider that Jane can approach it face-to-face in public, face-to-face in private, or via email.
Howard said it was not appropriate to ask to touch anyone's hair and that we don't do that here.
Minda Harts is the author of "The Memo: What Women of Color Need to Know to secure a Seat at the Table."
Make them aware that touching someone else's hair without their consent is wrong. "You can say that it probably wasn't your intention, but put yourself in their shoes," Harts said.
It is possible that a colleague accidentally uses a word with racist origins such as the word "uppity," which is used to describe Black people that don't know their place.
"I just read an article that the term you used has a problematic origin, and I can say something along the lines of: 'I just read an article that the term you used has a problematic origin,'" said Bradley Brummel, an associate professor of psychology at the University of I think we should use a different language for that idea.
He said that if done kindly and without confrontation, the point can be made.
Ask a question that draws attention to the problem.
Another way to draw attention to problematic behavior is to put the onus on a person to explain their racist remark or action.
Someone makes fun of not being able to pronounce a Black candidate's name when you and a group of colleagues are in a meeting reviewing résumés of people you just interviewed.
Harts said that an ally could pose a question to intervene.
What did you mean by that comment? What is wrong with their name?
Speaking up in these situations shows your Black colleagues that you are an ally, and teaches everyone else what is and isn't allowed.
The more people realize their biases will not be accepted, the more we are reinforcing a no-tolerance zone for racism.