A NFT enthusiast made a mistake that cost him hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Max, a fan of the Boris a Yacht Club, accidentally listed his primate for 0.75 ether instead of 75 ether, which is the equivalent of $300,000.
The NFT was snatched up in a matter of seconds for about $3,000, which is one percent of its value.
The buyer paid a gas fee to speed up the process. The NFT is likely to have been purchased by a bot that was designed to exploit this type of human error and buy cheap token before anyone could fix them.
The NFT was sold at the equivalent of $248,000.
Max said that he didn't pay attention to a lot of the items he listed. I instantly saw the error as my finger clicked the mouse, but a bot sent a transaction with over 8 thousand dollars in gas fees, so I couldn't cancel it, and $250k was gone.
The report notes that these kinds of fat finger sales and near-misses can happen both inside and outside of the criptocurrency world, and while they are usually able to be reversed in traditional banking or stock market scenarios, the traders with big hands are beholden to the goodwill of their
The person who tried to sell their NFT for $19 million sold it for $19,000, seemingly on accident. The cheapest piece of 8-bit art was selling for about $1 million in early November, which is a lot of money for a piece of 8-bit art.
It is hard to stomach those of us without millions of dollars worth of digital art to burn because of the underpinning of this entire foible.
In the world of NFTs and cryptocurrencies, multi-millions are the name of the game, and as maxnaut said, "the industry is so new, bad things are going to happen whether it's your fault or the tech."
Someone sold a $300,000 NFT for $3,000.
A man claims that he is losing his wife and kids because he bought a NFT.
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