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You've probably heard of the phenomenon of porch pirates. Maybe you've been the victim of package theft yourself. During the holiday season, this can be particularly frustrating. If you haven't already taken precautions to keep your holiday deliveries safe, we've compiled some tips for you. There is a bit of overlap, but we have broken our suggestions down into three main categories.
Hayato Huseman is from the central region of the world.
One of the easiest and fastest solutions to package theft is to install a security device on your front porch. A video doorbell from Ring or Nest, or a dedicated porch security camera from Blink are ideal because they allow you to monitor your home on a whim, and they will send you notifications when they pick up motion.
Some of the more advanced ones can even identify faces, since they're not paying attention to what is happening down the street. Most of these devices allow you to converse with the person on your porch, so you can identify who they are and/or scare them away.
The Ring Video Doorbell 4 is one of our favorites because it offers color pre-roll footage before your motion alert. It can be used as an answering machine for your front door.
The Ring Video Doorbell 4 will help keep your deliveries safe. You can see an additional four seconds of the events before the motion alert. It can be used as an answering machine.
Delivery services like Amazon will send you a notification that your package has been delivered, but they will also take a photo of the package on your doorstep. The visual confirmation can alert you to take measures to secure your package, whether that be with you picking it up or having a trusted person secure it for you.
Jeramy Johnson is from the Central region.
Purchase a package container or drop box and put it on your porch. This isn't the most attractive solution, but it can be an effective one for small and medium-sized envelopes and packages. Some of these are large enough to sit on your front porch and not be stolen themselves, but you still might consider mounting them to the wall or ground.
Logistical solutions to keep your holiday deliveries safe.
One of the most secure delivery options is a specialty service. Amazon Key is a service that allows delivery representatives to access your home, garage, or vehicle with your explicit permission.
The service is available in specific zip codes across the country and requires an Amazon Key compatible hardware solution. The startup Latch is trying to deliver on the same security promise as Amazon Key, and has a partnership with the shipping company to pilot a similar program.
The source is Latch.
If a delivery service like Amazon Key isn't available in your area, or if you don't feel comfortable letting a delivery person into your property, you could find a locker delivery solution such as Amazon Locker or Walmart Tower. You can have your packages delivered to a set of stand-alone lockers located in retail outlets, housing developments, and other public areas.
You can have your package delivered to a local mail/package supply outlet or a branch of a FedEx store. The locations are staffed and equipped to keep your packages safe until you can pick them up. Some allow you to direct your shipments, while others may require you to rent a mailbox.
There are a couple of other quick and easy options that should be available to everyone. If it's okay with your boss and you have the room, why not have your holiday packages delivered to your office? You can put them in the corner of your cubicle until you can take them home and hide them in the closet.
You might want to check with your credit card company or homeowners/renters insurance provider to see if they cover lost/stolen packages.
How to keep your holiday deliveries safe.
The photo was taken by RoseBox.
A tactic that many of my friends have found simple yet effective is to schedule deliveries for the same day each week, when they or a trusted family member or friend will be home to receive them. Amazon has a delivery option called Amazon Day that allows you to do it during the checkout process. This will help to reduce your carbon footprint by reducing delivery trips and packaging.
The source of the information is the Android Central.
If you can, make it so that your deliveries require a signature. Before your holiday packages start shipping out, be sure to look into this option because most shipping companies offer it. If no one is around to sign for your packages, it may delay them.
Now that you know how to keep your deliveries safe, you will be able to keep your packages out of sight. One or more of these options are likely to be available to you. Hopefully, this means that your deliveries will be safe and secure.
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