The goal of the executive order signed by President Joe Biden is to create a more seamless customer experience for the average American.
The idea behind modernization is very simple. We all know that dealing with the government is bad. It's not a good idea to go to the Department of Motor Vehicles, do your taxes, or correspond with any kind of government office. The government is aware of all this and so the thinking is that modernization will make the process of navigating all this bureaucracy a bit less frustrating. In real-world terms, this means taking services that would have typically been fulfilled through the mail or a trip to the local government office and digitizing them.
The ideal would be for people to be able to click through websites to get service delivery instead of having to drive down to a cramped, dingy building and wait in line.
Retirement services, student loans, tax filing and management, disaster relief, travel, and more are some of the areas that will be modernized by the Biden administration. The order aims to make it possible to claim retirements benefits online, as well as simplify student loan management through a single web portal.
The executive order states that the administration will work to identify and define critical services that meet customers' needs and expectations, assess performance delivery and report it publicly, incorporate customer feedback during each interaction, and ultimately ensure services deliver a better experience to the public.