The world's largest lab-grown steak was bioprinted by Israeli company MeaTech 3D.
The company claims that it is the largest cultured steak produced to date, which is an important milestone towards the goal of scaled production of bio-printed steak.
We have yet to find any real-world reviews to know what it tastes like, and its looks may leave something to be desired. 100 grams of steak isn't going to be the most satisfying meal.
The technology is still in its infancy, but it could open many doors, dramatically reducing our reliance on raising and slaughtering animals, and our food's carbon footprint as well.
Fat and muscle.
MeaTech 3D wants to use cultured animal fat in its products next year, according to The Guardian.
The uncertainty surrounding whether the company will be able to scale up its operations to offer lab steaks at reasonable prices is something that plagues the entire industry.
MeaTech 3D is not the only company working on industrializing the process. The company is part of a larger trend of businesses in Israel that are betting on lab-grown meat.
It is an exciting prospect that could allow us to one day grow custom steaks, something not even the real thing can reliably or affordably deliver.
If consumers are willing to try cultured meats, the real test is still to come. It's not certain whether it will play out like the shift to plant-based meat alternatives did.
The world's largest lab-grown steak was unveiled by an Israeli firm.
The California Factory produces 50,000 lbs of lab-grown meat per year.
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