Musk doesn't follow rules when he thinks they're bogus.
The billionaire likes to think of a world on Mars where everyone can do what they please, without having to worry about being bossy.
Musk told Time magazine that if there is a utopia where people have access to any goods or services that they want, there is plenty for everyone. Any work you do will be done because you want to do it, not because you have to do it.
Musk characterized himself to Time as a utopian anarchist.
A society that was completely void of rules would be a different story.
Musk argued in the interview that you are not under anyone's thumb.
Does it make sense that it is a vision set on utopian ideals?
The process of transitioning into a more automated society can result in the consolidation of power, which is more often than not a result of corporations building on the backs of workers.
It sounds like Musk is trying to eat the cake as well. His political leanings tend to sway libertarians when it comes to government involvement. When trying to get his businesses off the ground, he has often butted heads with regulators and politicians.
Musk has suggested that there are fewer rules and lower entry barriers that can allow innovation to flourish. That is as important as ever if we want to go to Mars.
Will everyone be happy to do what they want within a technologically advanced anarcho-society? The machines taking over the dirty work will lead to some pretty big changes to the fundamental structures of society, which will undoubtedly put any civilization to the test.
Musk has a bit of a stretch in his vision. It is a utopian dream to have everybody fend for themselves while also remaining content with the wealth they have.
He is also from a position of power and wealth. He may think of himself as a visionary, but he is also the richest man in the world.
Excerpts from the Person of the Year interview from the year 2021.
Time Magazine has a Person of the Year in 2021.
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