United Airlines is investing in sustainable practices.
United invests in hydrogen-electric engines.
United Airlines is spending $35 million to acquire a stake in ZeroAvia. Hydrogen-electric engines use electricity created by a chemical reaction in a fuel cell to power an electric motor, instead of burning fossil fuel. This investment is part of United's goal of being 100% green by reducing GHG remissions by 100% by 2050.
Up to 100 zero-emission, 100% hydrogen engines that would be used on United Express regional jet aircraft would be purchased by United. The option for 50 more ZeroAvia ZA2000-RJ engines would allow United to power 50 twin-engine aircraft. The CRJ-550 is a premium 50-seat aircraft that could be retrofitted with these engines.
The ZA600 engine is the first step in the development of ZeroAvia. The aim is to have them in commercial service by the year 2024. The company wants to develop hydrogen-electric propulsion for larger aircraft.
United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby described the initiative.
The investment will keep United out in front of emerging technology that is promising for zero-emission air travel for smaller aircraft. United continues to look for opportunities to advance their own initiatives but also identify and help technologies and solutions that the entire industry can adopt.
The United has ordered hydrogen-electric engines.
It is great to see United focused on the future.
The first hydrogen-electric aircraft initiative from the airline was announced today. In the past year or so, United has announced plans to purchase 200 electric air taxis, 19-seat electric jets, and supersonic jets.
The United has ordered supersonic jets.
Will these concepts come to life? It is anyone's guess, I don't know. I was initially skeptical of United's motives here. I am happy to see United investing in these areas.
The 19-seat electric aircraft has been ordered by United.
The bottom line.
ZeroAvia is getting $35 million from United Airlines. Up to 100 of these engines are included in the order with the hope that they will be able to power United Express aircraft by the year 2028. This is the latest investment by United in the future of aviation.
The investment in all of these products is partly about making United seem more innovative and cutting-edge. Aviation is headed this way and these are needed investments. The odds of these becoming a reality are improved by airlines investing money in these products.
I am curious how many of these concepts we see in United's fleet in the future.
What do you think about United's investment in ZeroAvia?