The photo was taken in the night sky over Myanmar during the peak of the Geminid meteor shower.
YE AUNG THU is pictured.
The best time to view the shower is late Monday and early Tuesday.
The moon will make it harder to see the Geminids this year, but from about 2 a.m. to sunrise will be the best time to view them.
The only shower I will brave cold December nights to see is the Geminids, which are rich in green-colored fireballs.
The debris left behind by the object known as 3200 Phaethon is what leads to the appearance of the Geminids. Scientists think that 3200 Phaethon is either a comet or an asteroid.
According to NASA, the density of the Geminids allows them to burn up as low as 29 miles above the Earth's surface.
The best show in the Northern Hemisphere is the one featuring the Geminids. Night owls in the Southern Hemisphere may not see as many meteors.
NASA said that the moon will be about 80% full and will be very bright.
The Geminids will last until December 17.