Ross Ulbricht created the Silk Road, an online marketplace where users could buy drugs and other illegal goods using the dark web.
According to Blockworks, more than one thousand investors created the FreeRossDAO to raise the funds, and he was able to sell an NFT for $6 million from prison. Half of the funds raised by the organization was used to purchase Ulbricht's NFT.
The DAO said on Thursday that this was just the beginning. Ross has not been freed by buying this NFT. We still have a long way to go to get justice for him and get his double life imprisonment overturned.
Long Way Home.
When Ulbricht announced his NFT collection, the DAO was formed. The Genesis Collection includes Ulbricht's writings and pencil artworks from before and after his prison sentence.
We won't say if a founder is responsible for the items users sell on a site. Sending an email can cost money for most prisoners, and the financial burden usually falls on their family. A Newsweek report earlier this year found that inmates had been given tablets, but only to discover that it cost 75 cents to send a video message and 25 cents to send an email.
In October, North Carolina Public Radio reported that inmates were receiving copies of letters instead of handwritten notes, and that sending a single message cost 99 cents.
Even if Ulbricht is set on cash, the majority of prisoners don't have the same financial freedom. NFTs can be cash cows, but only for people who are lucky enough to be the center of attention.
More on NFT scandals: Doctorow Roasts NFTs as a Massive, Fraud-Ridden Speculative Bubble.
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