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The crew of the New Shepard spaceship is getting ready to leave.
The Blue Origin crew is on their way to New Shepard.
The crew of the New Shepard spaceship is at Blue Origin's Launch Pad One in Van Horn, Texas, getting ready to take off.
"Good Morning America" host Michael Strahan is one of the members of the crew that is driving to the launch pad. Blue Origin founder Jeff Bezos flew to space on July 20 as part of the debut crew launch.
The crew just emerged from the training center to get into their vehicle that will take them to the launch pad.
The New Shepard system was shown on the Blue Origin broadcast early this morning ready for the liftoff of the mission.
The image is from Blue Origin.
The coin that the crew will take into space will have a special design. There are images of the Blue Origin symbol and the New Shepard rocket.
The image is from Blue Origin.
Today is the day of the launch.
During the ceremony the crew receives coins.
The crew leaves the training center and goes to the tower.
The astronauts will load into the capsule.
The capsule hatch is close.
Terminal Count Ready Report from Mission Control.
Robert Pearlman is reporting live from Van Horn.
Here is his first report from the launch site, where there is a New Shepard rocket on the pad and a chill in the air. There are preparations for a launch. The crew of the #NS19 lifted off.
Blue Origin ran a short tribute video for Glen de Vries, a participant in the company's NS-18 spaceflight with William Shatner. De Vries died in a plane crash.
The weather is looking good for the launch.
Blue Origin's live launch for the New Shepard mission has begun. You can see it in the window at the top of the page.
Blue Origin has released a new video about New Shepard's crew and you can watch it here.
Laura Shepard Churchley, the daughter of Alan Shepard, the first American to fly in space, is one of the crewmates on the mission.
"I feel like I'm following in my father's footsteps," Churchley says in the video.
"The moment that I decided I would be willing to go was here," he says, referring to when he covered Blue Origin's first crewed launch with Jeff Bezos aboard for Good Morning America earlier this year." I was completely changed by watching Jeff and Mark. It was amazing.
One of the four paying passengers, Dylan Taylor, says going to space has been a lifelong dream, while another passenger, Evan Dick, says he'd hoped to work in aerospace when he was younger.
The crew includes a father and son duo, as well as paying passengers.
When it became real, Lane went up to the family and asked who they wanted to go with, and only one person raised their hand. We were not thinking about being the first father and child so much as we were able to experience it together.
One of the first people in space to be pansexual is the person in the video. I'm now a hero. I think that the visibility that I'm providing for that community is valuable, even though I didn't really work to go space.
Dylan Taylor, Lane and Cameron Bess, Laura Shepard Churchley, Michael Strahan, and Evan Dick are the six passengers of the Blue Origin flight. The image is from Blue Origin.
Blue Origin's mission aboard New Shepard will be launched at 9:45 a.m. Good Morning America host and former football player Michael Strahan and five other people are going to space.
The New Shepard crew are at Blue Origin's launch site near Van Horn, Texas. Their flight has been delayed due to high winds and weather.
At 8:15 a.m., Blue Origin's website will be live. You can watch it in the feed above.
The New Shepard vehicle will be taking Strahan on a ride.
Laura Shepard Churchley is the daughter of Alan Shepard. The New Shepard space capsule is named after Shepard, who was the first NASA astronauts to fly in space.
Dylan Taylor is the chairman and CEO of the space exploration firm and co-founding patron of the Commercial Spaceflight Federation.
Evan Dick is an engineer and investor who is a volunteer pilot.
The principal and founder of a technology-focused venture fund is Lane Bess.
A child of Lane is named Cameron Bess. They use the name MeepsKitten to stream variety content.
We will have live coverage of the launch here.