December 10, 2021.
Credit: thewwe.com
The Usos and New Day faced off against Randy Orton and Riddle in a triple threat tag match on Friday night.
The match between Naomi and Sonya Deville was the most anticipated.
Did the former women's champion earn a measure of revenge against the crooked WWE official or did Deville frustrate her and stunt her growth on the blue brand?
The answer to that question can be found in the recap of the December 10 broadcast.
The Usos and New Day are the tag team champions.
Naomi and Sonya Deville.
The women's champion is Charlotte Flair.
Xia Li is new to the scene.
Credit: thewwe
The former Universal Championship contender, who was brutally attacked by Brock Lesnar on last week's episode, kicked off the show in a wheelchair and was accompanied by two nurses.
It took both Roman and Brock to put him in his current state. He said that the betrayal was the most hurt by the suplexes and F-5.
Paul Heyman apologized to fans for subjecting them to the whine and complaining of Zayn. Heyman addressed the fans, but a defiant, angry Zayn interrupted, revealing that Reigns isn't here and threatening to beat the special counsel up.
The Beast Incarnate made his way to the ring after Brock Lesnar played his theme. He produced a chair and sat across from the other player. The injured competitor was invited to go hunting by the injured competitor.
Brock said that he was vegan.
The interaction would have been an instant trip to Suplex City rather than fun and games. The Beast unleashed hell on the male nurses and then the F-5. The show went to commercial and the wrestler headed up the ramp.
A grade.
The analysis was done.
Over the last couple of weeks, the reactions of the two athletes have been absolutely gold. The over-the-top conspiracy theorist and the ass-kicking destroyer have great chemistry. Despite the real sense of terror that accompanies him, he yucked it up and made for great television. The overall quality of the segment is helped by the fact that Zayn knows his place and plays his role well.
Heyman was great here, too, calling for the return of The Beast Incarnate, inadvertently waking him up ahead of Day 1 and his match with Reigns, is a great bit of booking and reignites questions about Heyman's loyalties heading into the latest match between his most
Everything Paul E. touches has turned to gold over the last year.
Credit: thewwe
The Artist and his guitar-playing bestie battled Humberto and Angel in a tag team match up as the rivalry between Shinsuke and Rick continued.
The 1:38 match ended with Boos delivering an airplane spin to Humberto and Nakamura putting him away with a kick to the face.
Kofi Kingston revealed a new crown for King Woods before the main event.
Los Lotharios were defeated by Boogs and Nakamura.
A grade.
The analysis was done.
This served no purpose, added nothing to the feud, and only destroyed any credibility the heels built up over the course of the program.
They looked like fools when they lost as quickly as they did. They didn't have a chance to build on the momentum of the match. If the issue was timing, why bother putting it on the show, given the damage it did to one of the teams?
Unless the goal was to delegitimize Los Lotharios in one fell swoop, it was a major booking mistake.
Credit: thewwe
Drew McIntyre was angry that he was left out of the Black Friday Battle Royal.
McIntyre and Sheamus had a physical match in the next match. The Scottish Superstar took his opponent to the mat on the floor and dominated the opening moments of the bout.
During the break, The Celtic Warrior delivered an Irish curse to the commercial, which almost brought down the building. McIntyre responded with a chop. He set up for Claymore, but he was hit for a two-count.
McIntyre rolled him up for two when he tried for the Brogue Kick. McIntyre delivered Claymore for the win.
McIntyre defeated Sheamus.
A grade.
The analysis was done.
The physical styles and timing of McIntyre and Sheamus make them assets to any roster they appear on. Every time you put them together, you look at a potential classic.
This wasn't quite that level, thanks to time constraints and an annoying commercial break right in the middle, but it was still an incredibly hard-hitting bout with a great finishing sequence and the right guy going over.
Give us more of this, with some Cesaro and Ridge Holland in it, and you have a recipe for pro wrestling.
The Scottish Warrior is going to have a feud over the stupid sword next, the exact opposite of the kind of thing Drew has earned better than.
Credit: thewwe
Sonya Deville and Naomi battled it out in a match that was eagerly anticipated. Natalya and Shayna Baszler were revealed as the timekeeper and guest ring announcer by the crooked WWE official.
The fight was one-on-one after Naomi took the fight to Baszler. When Deville tried to stall, Xia Li came face-to-face with Naomi. They took the fight to the heels, clearing the ring of Baszler and Natalya.
Deville was left alone by the babyfaces. The babyfaces stood tall as the heel cronies saved Deville from harms way, showing each other a sign of respect.
No contest.
A grade.
The analysis was done.
The best way to introduce Li to the world was to put her into the hottest women's feud on the show.
She looked great here. Her entrance was that of a star, the crowd responded to her as such, and she will only get better by positioning her opposite Deville.
The question is whether the wrestlers can maintain their popularity. Will a single lackluster reaction cause it to have second thoughts about the booking of a new star? They should not. Li performed up to the moment, carrying her end of the deal.
If the company is smart and patient, it can build feuds, title reigns and the division around if she runs with the ball.
Credit: thewwe
In a special Championship Contender's Match, Charlotte Flair was looking to take the title away from The Queen.
A competitive sprint of a match saw Flair dominate the action early, delivering a standing moonsault for two. Storm had the champ reeling with a German suplex, only for Flair to reestablish control. A disqualification from the official was the result of a relentless stomp of Storm on the ring apron.
After the match, he added another shot to establish dominance.
Storm defeated Flair.
A grade.
The analysis was done.
This push might be the worst in recent history.
Storm does nothing about it. She used her own pie a week ago. Friday? She got her ass handed to her by Flair, and then scored a win via disqualification. Storm has not been established as a real threat or credible option to win the titles since the beginning of the program.
Some will argue that sharing the screen with her makes her better.
The bigger star is treated as such and just unloaded a kick that gave Storm a victory.
Unless the goal is to put Storm over Flair eventually, this is all for nothing.
Credit: thewwe.com
The best tag team in the world was determined by a triple threat match between the Raw and the SmackDown teams.
The Usos dominated the action, first working over Woods and then isolating Riddle. Jimmy prevented the hot tag by pulling The Viper off the apron and onto the floor.
The match came back from the break with New Day working over Riddle and their team not wanting to see Orton get the hot tag and knock him off the apron. After escaping the clutches of his opponents, Riddle tagged in Orton for a thunderous applause.
The Viper slammed Jey into the announce table. Jey was put down by the side suplexes on the commentary table. Uso teased the splash with a super kick. The man moved. He flattened Jimmy with the RKO but the legal King Woods worked with Kingston to score the win over The Usos.
New Day defeated Usos.
A grade.
The analysis was done.
It was an example of crowd manipulation and it was probably longer than it needed to be.
The teams worked the hot tag spot so well that fans were begging for Randy to get in. Had it not been for a heads-up play by Woods and Kingston, he would have won the match.
Some will wonder why the show didn't allow the guest starring role of the RK-Bro, but New Day is the SmackDown entity. Since winning the King of the Ring tournament, Woods has been on a roll. It helps them establish momentum if they let him get that win with Kingston, rather than sacrificing a win in the name of putting two Raw guys over.
It was the right play, even if it wasn't the most popular in Los Angeles.
B/Rs recommend.
The results of the show from November 26.
The winners grades and highlights from November 26 were published on the Bleacher Report.
The results of the show from November 12.
The winners grades and highlights from November 12 were published on the Bleacher Report.
The results from the October 25th WWE Raw show.
The winners grades their reaction and highlights from October 25.
The results of the WWE SmackDown show from October 22.
The winners grades the reaction and highlights from October 22.
The results from the October 18th WWE Raw show.
The winners grades their reaction and highlights from October 18.
The results of the show from October 15.
The winners grades the reaction and highlights from October 15.
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Big-e stands tall overking-reigns and more-wwe-smackdown-fallout.
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The exclusive King-Xavier-woods-talks-singles-run-new-days-success-g4-and-more was published by the Bleach Report.
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The USos send a violent message to Kingston andwoods.
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