Study: Investing in Legos Will Earn You More Money Than Gold

A new study challenges the idea of gold, jewelry, art, wine, or antiques being good investments in the long-term and presents a more lucrative alternative: Lego sets.

The average returns provided by gold, large stocks, bonds, and alternative investments are lower than the average growth in the market prices of Lego sets sold on the secondary market. The authors analyzed the prices of 2,322 Lego sets from 1987 to 2015 and found that there were many online auctions.

The study will be published in a journal.

Victoria Dobrynskaya, an economics and finance professor at the university, said in a news article that people think of antiques as an investment. There are also collectible toys. There are thousands of deals made on the secondary LEGO market. This is a huge market that is not well-known by traditional investors.

The researchers have some reasons to explain why people buy Legos. There is a limited number of people who want to sell their Legos after they buy them. LEGO has been making Legos since the 1960s and has amassed a legion of nostalgic adult fans who value older sets.