The most popular and shared link posts on Facebook in the United States over the past week were from Ben Shapiro, with the conservative commentator taking five of the top six spots in terms of total interactions.
Conservative political commentator, writer and lawyer Ben Shapiro waves to the crowd as he arrives. Mark Rolfe is pictured.
The images are from the same source.
On Thursday, the top-performing link post of the week was a story from his conservative news website, the Daily Wire, about the conviction of actor Jussie Smollett for lying to investigators and orchestrating an attack on himself in a hate crime hoax.
According to data compiled by NewsWhip, the post had nearly 270,000 total interactions, including more than 158,000 likes and over 20,000 shares.
"BREAKING NOW" was the only commentary added to the link.
The most popular link post of the week was published on Monday, when he only commented "LOL" while linking to a story about a "Let's go, Brandon!" store opening in Massachusetts.
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Franklin Graham, a conservative preacher, shared a Fox News link about the death of Bob Dole, a Republican presidential candidate in 1996.
The key background.
The former Empire star was found guilty on five counts of felony disorderly conduct Thursday afternoon, after a week-and-a-half long trial where he claimed his innocence and said he did not want to cooperate with a police investigation because he is a Black man in America. The men beating him, putting a rope around his neck and yelling "MAGA country" were paid by the actor to stage the attack. It's possible that he'll be sentenced to three years in prison. Conservatives were incensed by the behavior of Smollett, who lied to police about being attacked by men wearing "Make America Great Again" hats.
Facebook's conservative content is often from figures, but none has the power that Shapiro has. The Daily Wire's stories received more interaction on Facebook than any other news outlet in the previous year, according to an NPR analysis. In an August report, Facebook claimed that right-wing news websites are not among the top-performing domains in terms of news feed content.
Jussie was found guilty on 5 counts.
During the Hate Crime trial, Jussie said there was no hoax.