The image of the alligatorbride is on thecdn.vox-cdn.com.
There were some really cool surprises at the Game Awards last night. We got a new Alan Wake announcement, we got scared out of ourselves by Slitterhead, and an adorable pot friend dropped some Elden Ring lore on us. There was a surprise that left me and my colleagues at The Verge confused, curious, and breathless for more: what game has alligator brides in it and how can we get our hands on it?
The Best Narrative award went to the very well-deserving Marvel's Guardians of the GALAXY at the Game Awards. She mentioned during her speech that she enjoys when games are more than just, "blowing up grenade factories and yelling obscenities at your alligator brides."
Everyone paused and wondered if she was talking about alligator brides, and then wracked their brains to figure out what she was talking about. After running the video back and turning on the caption, it was obvious that he said "Alligator brides."
Noupscale is a file on thechorusasset.com.
You would think that this is just the normal weird self of the caption service, but she actually said that.
Nobody could think of a game she was talking about. I don't think these people were the saurian spouses to which Wen was referring, even though Dieter Bohn found an "Alligator Bride" in the form of a song by Howlin' Rain.
People were just as enthusiastic about alligator brides as we were.
I am not playing it because it doesn't allow me access to allIGATOR BRIDES.
Mike 'All Caps' Sholars is on December 10, 2021.
I wish games had grenade factories and alligator brides.
December 10, 2021.
I want to play the alligator bride game.
December 10, 2021.
I want a video game about blowing up grenade factories and shouting obscenities at brides. Give me a game.
December 10, 2021.
I went to the source because there was no information on the game.
I asked her.
I am Hi! I'm a video game reporter and I'm called Ash.
We were really curious when you mentioned your son yelling obscenities at his alligator brides, as I and my colleagues watched your presentation during the game awards. What game was it? We would like to play as well.
December 10, 2021.
I tapped subject matter expertGatorsDaily to find out what they knew.
I haven't gotten a response from either of them yet. The more I think about it, the more I believe that this game is not a game that you can find in an obscure store.
It's a game.
This year is the 100th anniversary of the release of the Bethesda RPG.
One of the Elder Scrolls games is called Skyrim. Humans, cats, and a race of upright reptilian peoples are part of the Elder Scrolls universe. These humans, cat-folk, and upright reptilian Argonians can be married in Elder Scrolls games. My best guess is that the son of Wen is a lover of the Argonian maid.
If this is true, I hope that the community adopts the practice of calling the game the alligator bride.