The carbon footprint of a short space joyride was compared to a lifetime of emissions for the world's poor by a single passage from this year's World Inequality Report. The distribution of those who cause climate damage and those who suffer from it is summed up by the stat.
The two billionaires most associated with space travel are not named in the report. Musk has been launching rockets, but not for tourism purposes. Blue Origin sent the CEO himself to an event in July. Richard Branson has also sent himself to the edge of space. All of those flights have carbon costs.
To set the record straight, this is what the section said in the report, which was misinterpreted by a few viral posts.
Once indirect emissions are taken into account, an 11-minute flight emits no less than 75 tonnes of carbon per passenger. Billions of people emit less than a ton per year at the other end of the distribution. The group of one billion individuals does not emit more than 75 tonnes of carbon per person over their lifetime.
The passage does not refer to Jeff Bezos' venture to the brink of space, but it is close enough to the report to be considered a substitute. The team made very conservative estimates that the range of emissions was probably much higher than 75 tons per person. The lifetime carbon output of an individual is equal to the carbon cost of a few minutes of weightlessness.
It shows the contributions made by people who commute in a private jet or have a business devoted to launching rockets. Those who can afford space flight will largely be insulated from the climate damage their trips cause while those in poor countries will be hit the hardest. After returning to Earth, Bezos realized that we have one planet and we share it. While flying on a Blue Origin rocket, he may have opened his eyes to the fact that space tourism isn't a very equal way to share the planet's resources.
The top 1% of wealthiest individuals emit more carbon emissions than the top 1% and the top 1% combined. In an average year, the wealthiest individuals produce more carbon pollution than an individual in the bottom billion does.
The next flight of Blue Origin will be on Saturday, when Michael Strahan will ride on a rocket with four paying customers.
Climate policy can combat extreme poverty.
Environmental justice.