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Brian Bulatao, a former Trump admin and current chief administrative officer for the company, sent a letter to his colleagues that didn't discourage them from unionizing but did discourage them from doing so. The letter was sent after workers at a subsidiary of the company went on strike in response to layoffs and the creation of a strike-fund to support them.
Jessica Gonzalez shared the letter on her social media accounts, which reiterates the company's support for workers' right to choose whether to join a union. The letter suggests that a union would impede progress by interfering in the communication between employees and management, which is a common anti-union talking point.
Direct dialogue between management and employees is essential to the success of the company.
The board of directors continued to essentially respond, "No," when over 1,000 employees of the company signed a petition to remove Bobby Kotick as CEO.
When breastfeeding workers complained about the substandard conditions of their pumping rooms for years, HR allegedly not doing enough to address those complaints.
That kind of dialogue.
Direct dialogue between management and employees is essential to the success of the company.
Bulatao said that the best way to move forward is through dialogue between leaders and employees. Some of the biggest offenders were let go as recently as 2020 and the abuses the company is accused of didn't occur over the course of years.
The letter warns employees off unions by saying they would consign away their rights without hope of input.
We ask that you take time to consider the consequences of your signature on the binding legal document presented to you by the CWA.
The collective bargaining unit has always been composed of current employees, even though unions are legal intercessors between employer and employee.
Bulatao wrote a letter to managers about how to respond to questions they might be getting about unionization and training sessions.
It wasn't until after the fact that the company did respond for comment. The CWA criticized these tactics in an email.
They chose to blast the most tired anti-union talking points straight from the union busting script. The waste of resources that ABK management could be using to address the serious concerns at the company such as compensation for the victims of sexual harassment and discrimination is caused by the union avoidance campaigns.
In its attempts to stop employees from unionizing, the company hasn't gone full Amazon. If the company fails to turn around, unionization is an option. The letter didn't give a time frame for when progress would be made. Christine, who gave a press conference outlining how she was harassed and then retaliated against for reporting her harassment, continues to suffer as a result of the new committees and dialogue that can be acted upon quickly to solve problems.