The image is called "ScreenShot20211210at10.47.51AM."
A patent was filed by the company regarding a rollable smartwatch display and camera.
The WIPO via LetsGoDigital.
There have been attempts at wraparound watches, but the category has not seen much design innovation for a while. There was talk of an Apple Watch that was flat-edged, but those were just rumors. Tech companies have been considering the idea of taking photos from the wrist and watching videos.
The latest example is courtesy of a patent from a company. The patent was filed in June and depicts a watch with a rollable screen and a camera in the middle. The watch concept looks like an average round-faced watch, but pressing the crown allows you to extend the screen further into a pill-shaped oval that is 40 percent larger.
In addition to novel ways of displaying information, the company thinks a larger screen might entice people to watch videos from the wrist. A drawing shows a potential user looking at a watch. The camera is located in the middle of the watch and is intended for taking photos or video.
It is not out of the realm of possibility that a foldable screen tech could be used to make Wearables. There are cameras in wrist-based Wearables. Meta is said to be working on a device that will house two cameras. There is a built-in camera that can be used for short-form video chatting, but there is no camera in the Apple Watch. I can tell you that cameras and videos on watches don't make sense, even though all of this is neat from a technological perspective.
:noupscale is a file on thechorusasset.com
Would you watch a movie on your wrist?
The WIPO via LetsGoDigital.
One of the greatest flaws of the smartwatch is that it is a companion device. You can do a lot with it on its own, but it is limited without your phone. No matter how accurate your voice assistant is, replying to texts is tedious. Anything more than a quick yes or a quick no requires you to use your phone. Taking long calls is not an option because of the poor battery life. The capability is improving. You can leave your phone behind for quick jaunts around the neighborhood with the more advanced models, which have the ability to make payments with the phone. When it comes to taking photos and videos, the smartwatches can't replace your phone.
The idea behind this push is to add cameras to our wrists. James Bond and Star Trek movies have buried wrist communicators deep in our collective consciousness, thanks to their spy flicks. You can do it naturally when you take a call from the wrist. You don't have to hold up your arm in a specific way to be heard. You do it for cameras and video chats. When I tested the Wristcam video chat for the Apple Watch, I didn't expect how tired my arm felt after holding it up to capture my face at a flattering angle. It is easy to take out your phone and take a photo. It's more awkward to get a picture in public than it is to contort your wrist. The effort doesn't make sense when my phone is there.
It's not ideal to watch videos from the wrist. I tried to view a Bon Appetit video on the watch because I wanted to know what it would be like to watch a video on a small screen. That experience was the best I can say about it. The screen was too small, the video was slow, and the app crashed more than once. It is not comfortable to hold your arm for a long time. Even if you could increase the size of the screen, I can't see how you could watch all 149 minutes of the movie from the wrist.
The technical obstacles are not the only ones. Privacy is an entire bag of worms that no company has solved yet. These are incredibly personal devices, and they collect a lot of data. Adding cameras to mix could go terribly wrong, and privacy concerns are a major obstacle to adoption.
One day, tech companies will figure out a way to make the cameras work without the extra steps. Most consumers don't want cameras on their watches.