How to watch Blue Origin launch GMA host Michael Strahan and crew to space Saturday

Blue Origin's New Shepard rocket will carry Jeff Bezos along with his brother Mark Bezos, 18-year-old Oliver Daemen, and older man, Wally Funk, on July 20, 2021. It was the company's first crewed spaceflight. The image is from Blue Origin.

Blue Origin's third crewed mission is scheduled to launch on Saturday.
GMA host and former football player Michael Strahan will be on a suborbital space mission with five other people.

Liftoff is scheduled for 9:45 a.m. It could change due to weather or technical issues. If you can, you can watch the action at and The company plans mission updates through its account on the social networking site.

Blue Origin will hold a press conference after the flight, which will put on our website if possible.
The first mission to fill all six seats on the New Shepard spaceship will be NS-19. Four people were sent up and back from the previous flights. The other people in the crew are listed below.

The first New Shepard passenger launch was with Jeff Bezos.

Laura Shepard Churchley is the daughter of Alan Shepard. The New Shepard space capsule is named after Shepard, who was the first NASA astronauts to fly in space.
Dylan Taylor is the chairman and CEO of the space exploration firm and co-founding patron of the Commercial Spaceflight Federation.
Evan Dick is an engineer and investor who is a volunteer pilot.
The principal and founder of a technology-focused venture fund is Lane Bess.
A child of Lane is named Cameron Bess. They use the name MeepsKitten to stream variety content.

"Mercury 13 pilot" and "Star Trek" actor William Shatner and "New Shepard" crewed flights as guests of Blue Origin, just as "Seinfeld" actor Michael Imperioli and "Sopranos" actor James Caan did. Blue Origin has not yet publicly disclosed a price for customers, but the other four passengers are paying for their seats.

A typical 11-minute flight on Blue Origin sees the rocket launch and land autonomously, with the spaceship also flying autonomously and landing under parachutes minutes after the rocket. The Krmn line is an internationally recognized boundary of space that lies 100 kilometers above Earth's surface.

New Shepard has performed 18 flights, but most of them were uncrewed tests or research flights. Blue Origin is still looking for customers willing to pay for experiments in microgravity, along with super-rich tourists who can pay for a ride to suborbital space.

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