Rudy Giuliani said on Thursday night that he had evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election and that he had "900 death certificates" that proved it.
Giuliani told Brannon Howse about the death certificates on the program.
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger used to say that it was a perfect election, according to Giuliani. The idiot told the president that it was a perfect election. He told the president that they couldn't find any dead people who voted.
Giuliani said he found 900 people who died before the election. The expert's estimate was in the range of four or five thousand. I had over 900 death certificates. They're people who voted.
"Don't tell me it was a perfect election, I know you're a liar," Giuliani said.
Giuliani told Howse: "You can't allow 300 dead people to vote, much less 6,000!"
Giuliani did not reveal where he got the death certificates. Giuliani didn't respond to the request for comment.
The conspiracy theory that dead people voted in the 2020 elections has been floated by other right-wing figures. There was no evidence to support the claim that 23,000 dead people voted using a prison address.
Giuliani continued to push a variety of election fraud theories during his appearance on "The Lindell Report". Giuliani claimed that he had 400 affidavits from people who witnessed election fraud. He said that a very religious woman in Detroit told him that she witnessed election fraud. The former mayor of New York City said that he saw a video of people "casing the joint" at a vote-counting center in Georgia, likening it to videos he used to see when he was a prosecutor.
Giuliani has persistently pushed and parroted baseless election fraud claims. Giuliani told reporters at a press conference in Pennsylvania that the Trump campaign would challenge the election in court while making baseless claims of election fraud.
In June, a court in New York suspended Giuliani from practicing law after finding that he made false statements about election fraud.
He admitted under oath that he did not verify some of the election fraud claims that he made, and that he got the "evidence" from social media. After he heard about voter fraud claims in the 2020 election, Giuliani told a lawyer for the company that he didn't have the time to verify them.
Giuliani and others peddled baseless claims that the electronic voting company rigged the 2020 election in favor of President Joe Biden.