The image is from the same source.
If you don't have the money to buy new heat pumps or double glazed windows, it can be hard to make your home more energy efficient.
There are cheap solutions to save money. We looked at where you are most likely to be losing the most energy in your home and came up with some simple solutions to help save money and keep warm this winter.
Warm air wants to leave your home and will look for ways to do so. The cold air is sucked in to replace it. It makes your home cold.
Shutting doors and closing windows may not be enough as warm air can escape through gaps in the frames. The cold areas around a front door are shown on the thermal image.
James Richardson of IRT Surveys says that the temperatures are black, purple and blue and that the heat is being lost in the home.
The warm red and yellow colour of the letter box makes it likely to be well- sealed and insulated.
Adding a draught excluder or a rolled up towel can block the drafts.
One of the simplest ways to keep out the cold is to use a draught excluder. It could help cut your bills by around £25 a year.
It's not the most attractive household feature to have a rolled-up towel by the front door, but you can always decorate it yourself.
It's important to make sure the door is covered by the excluder. Use strips of the discarded material to make ties and tie up each end of the leg in a no-sew method.
If you don't want to cut up your jeans, you could just use a rectangular piece of material to make a tube and fill it in. You will end up with a more regular-shaped excluder.
Home Energy Scotland has a knitting pattern for a knitted version of the gold medal winning divers.
The image is from the same source.
The heat is lost when poorly fitting windows or single panes of glass are used.
If you can't get double glazed windows, the Energy Saving Trust says it is worth getting heavy curtains to keep the heat in the room.
The thermal images show how the curtains trap the heat.
If you don't want to sit in the dark all day, look for cheap kits that use a plastic sheet to cover the window, blocking the drafts.
Sometimes they can be shrink-fitted into place with a hairdryer and can be removed and replaced.
The image is from the same source.
Insulating your loft is like wearing a woolly hat to keep you warm. The hatch is just like any other door and needs attention as well.
James was surprised by the thermal image. It's an easy fix to insulate it around the edges.
One suggestion online is to glue a plastic bag to the back of the hatch, fill it with loft insulation and then seal it up. When you pull it shut, it should help insulate the hatch and flop over the edges.
The image is from the same source.
There are a lot of little things we can do around the home that will help save energy and money, just by tweaking our behavior.
Most energy companies will install a smart meter for free so you can monitor your energy use.
There are other small changes to your daily routine that can save you money and energy. The obvious ones are spending less time in the shower, turning off the lights, and turning down the thermostat.
The Eco-Experts recommends heating the humans, not the building, so if you're not cold, don't heat rooms you're not in.
When cooking, put the pots and pans in the correct position.
Use a microwave to cook food.
Don't overfill the kettle. If you fill a kettle for two cups of tea, you could save around 45 dollars a year.
It will work better if you defrost your fridge.
Age UK says smaller TVs cost less to run and use more electricity.
The advice of the elderly is that if you're cold, put on an extra layer of clothing, as the layers trap warm air between them.
How much do you know about saving energy?