OG's users are angry about the platform's move to the blockchain.
The news that the company is going to use cryptocurrencies comes as the company tries to regain legitimacy as a project and product crowd funding company.
The company is building a new platform based on the Celo blockchain, co-founded by Jack Dorsey, which will replace its current system at some point in 2022, according to a report.
Celo claims to be carbon-negative via offsets, despite the fact that cryptocurrencies have historically been bad for the environment.
The critics of the move don't know about or don't believe that detail, and carbon offsets in crypo have already drawn criticism.
Elizabeth Hargrave, the board game designer who created the pocket-sized flower game, was not happy with the outcome. It is an environmental disaster.
She was not the only person upset by the news.
The designer of the game "The Shape of Shadows" said that he was "heartbroken" by the news. One of my core values is environmental stewardship, and it is a big part of my work.
Shim said that he really loves the project. I urge the company to rethink their decision.
The company claims that the new protocol won't change how people use the site, but beyond environmental concerns, others just don't see what purpose the move serves.
The article doesn't list a single reason why moving to the blockchain will improve the service for users. The only thing it says is that it wants to become relevant.
It is hard to see this move as anything other than an attempt to stay relevant amid the bubble, and if these creators' gripes are any indicator, users may not be as thrilled by the company itself.
Read more about the move of the crowd funding platform to the internet.
There are more reasons to distrust the criptocurrency.
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