Hiking in the cold is not appealing to many people. In winter, trail exploration is quite magical, as long as you plan. When the views are capped in white, there are far fewer people on the trails. Proper gear and a mug full of your favorite beverage are important. There are a few things to know when the snow starts to fall. The easiest way to become a pro is to just start moving.
We recommend hiking gear for winter. Matador may collect a small commission from the links on this page if you decide to book a stay. The prices are accurate at the time of publication. See the full Advertiser Disclosure here.
1. Dress like an onion.
The Qubécois have a saying that means "dress like an onion" and it means wear layers. It's important for winter hiking as temperatures can change between the summit and the trail. It is possible to regulate your body temperature with a variety of insulation clothing. I like to wear waterproof pants, a light fleece jacket, and long underwear. In case of bad weather, I keep an insulated jacket, fleece pants, and waterproof shell jacket in my pack. Make sure your bottom layer is a fabric that will keep your skin warm when you stop moving.
Since your toes are the first place you will feel cold, wear thick, winter-weight socks. It is a good idea to have two layers of gloves or mittens, one for insulation and one for waterproofness. A beanie in your backpack is a good idea.
Recommended gear is recommended.
2. Start small and early.
When planning your first winter hike, be reasonable about the distance and difficulty. It is possible to run into ice or snow on the same trail in winter, which will slow you down. It is possible that many access roads to your favorite trailheads are unplowed in the winter, which can add a lot of mileage to your trip. You know you can handle a trail without difficulty, so choose one you know you can navigate.
If you are not a morning person, start your hike early. The sun sets earlier in winter. As the sun goes down, plan to be off the trail before dark.
There are some recommended prep tips.
You can download the gps on your phone. The app has trail info including length, altitude gain, photos, and reviews from hikers.
When you think you will be back, be sure to charge your phone and tell someone where you are.
3. Bring safety gear.
In case of an emergency, everyone should carry a few basic items. A trail map, a first aid kit, a compass, a pocket knife, hand warming packets, and a headlamps are all you should have. It is a good idea to split up some of the heavier safety items for a day hike. You should bring more food than you would need for a summer hike as you will burn more calories in the cold.
Frank Gibbons, who hikes and backpacks year-round in New Hampshire's White Mountains, warns that even day-hikers should be prepared to spend the night outside in an emergency. Every member of the group usually carries a sleeping bag, a cell phone, a parka, and a sleeping pad. If you have to stay on the mountain overnight, it may mean that your backpack is a bit heavier. Many hikers carry the 10 essentials in their packs.
Recommended gear is recommended.
4. Check the weather.
It is always important to know what conditions to expect during a hike. This is true when hiking in winter. Look at precipitation, wind speed, and daylight hours. Peter Crane, Director of Programs at the Mount Washington Observatory, said that winter hikers should become knowledgeable about winter weather patterns.
Do your research on winter conditions and how they differ from summer conditions. It is a different world in the winter. A dozen people have died on Mount Washington. You have to find your way in limited visibility or whiteout conditions when you get above treeline.
The weather forecast is promising so be sure to plan your hike for that day. If the conditions are not perfect, you should not hike.
5. Learn how to use microspikes.
Microspikes can make a difference when the trail is icy, but they can also be dangerous if you use them wrong. If you are new to microspikes, read up on techniques and try them out on an easy trail. Put them on and take them off. Ask a friend to show you how to use them.
It is advisable to take it slowly to avoid accidents. You could hurt your ankle or cut your leg if you make a mistake. Microspikes are rows of metal spikes attached to your feet, and while they may make you feel secure on ice, they are still sharp and should be stored safely.
Recommended gear is recommended.
6. Take a friend.
In the winter, hiking with friends is the best way to go. Sharing the adventure with others is more fun than being with a group. An experienced friend can help you choose gear, use snowshoes, and identify dangerous conditions. If you don't want to spend a lot of money, your friends may have extra gloves, hiking poles, or goggles you can borrow to check off your packing list. You should leave at least one friend at home who knows where you are going.
7. Tea or cocoa can be made.
Dehydration is a common problem when hiking in the winter so it is important to bring water. It is easy to forget to drink when you are cold, but you will be burning calories and need to take water breaks. If you want to add some comfort to your trip, you can make tea, coffee, or cocoa in a lightweight and portable stove, or carry it with you in a leak-proof mug. A nice break from the hike can be provided by a hot beverage. There is nothing like a hot cocoa break to get you going.
Recommended gear is recommended.
The coffee mug has a lid.
8. Good gear is something to invest in.
There are some basic items every winter hiker should have on hand. Most avid winter hikers want to eventually have their own hiking gear, including waterproof pants and a jacket, knee-high gaiters, waterproof boots, insulated jacket, lightweight backpack, hiking poles, gloves and beanie, and goggles. A camp stove is a great buy for warm meals and drinks on the trail. I recommend looking for end-of-season sales and coupons instead of taking the cheap route. Your gear can save your life.
Look at the store for closeout items. It can be expensive when you first start, but you will be able to reuse many of the items for summer camping and hiking.
9. Prepare to turn around.
Ed Viesturs, who has climbed all 14 of the world's mountains above 8,000 meters, once said that getting to the top is optional. Getting down is required. The mountains have been here for a long time, and they will be here for a long time still, according to Mount Washington Observatory's Crane. If you run into dangerous conditions, turn around. You need to have time and energy left for the descent after reaching the summit of a peak. The entire trip should be focused on. You can try again the following weekend.
10. Treat yourself to a meal after hiking.
Reward yourself for a job well done. I like to find the nearest source of comfort food when I come off a mountain. Sometimes it is a great place to eat burgers and other times it is a lively pizza place. Hikers stopping off for a meal at the base of a big peak are used to it. After a long, active day, it's a good idea to pack in some vitamins, minerals, and sugars.