Just Look at the Jaw-Dropping Detail of These Storms on Jupiter

The latest images from the mission at Jupiter include views of giant storms and the gas giant world in amazing detail.

The visible light camera on board the Juno spacecraft sent a new set of images to Earth. The camera has provided amazing views of Jupiter. Citizen scientists and enthusiasts act as the camera's virtual image team, helping in key steps of the process by making suggestions of areas on Jupiter to take pictures and do the image editing work.

Kevin Gill edited the lead image to provide a 3-D-like view of a giant storm. How big are these things? The SETI Institute weighed in.

The raw data and a gallery of processed images can be found at the website. We feature Kevin Gill's images regularly because he is one of our favorite image editors. He has a gallery of his work on Flickr, which includes his personal Astrophotography and landscape images, as well as data from the Mars rovers.

Wait, there is more! The view of the northern hemisphere is included in the latest close pass by Jupiter, called perijove 38.