Carlson said that Republicans were doing nothing to stop it. They're encouraging the weak and incompetent president to do more.
Pat Tiberi is the CEO of the Ohio Business Roundtable and he says that the bill would be bad for Ohio.
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There is a telling scene in MarkMeadows's new book about his time as Donald Trump's White House chief of staff. It came just after the reporters were told that Trump's health was in bad shape despite the doctors' claims. He was caught on camera asking to be unnamed in news reports. It wasn't hard to figure it out.
Sources close to the former president say that Donald Trump and his associates are working to destroy disloyal Republicans and install loyalists in federal and state governments. Subscr.
The former chief of staff to the president is not cooperating with the committee.
Do not pay high power bills. It's genius. Power companies are furious with this program.
Over 40 camels were disqualified from the annual camel beauty contest because they received artificial touch-ups, according to the Saudi Press Agency. The King Abdulaziz Camel Festival in Saudi Arabia has a prize money of over $65 million. The camels are not allowed to have face lifts, face injections, or other alterations to make them more attractive.
The lawsuit argued that Joe Biden's wins in key battleground states should be thrown out because of voter fraud allegations.
The Russian state media is happy about the outcome of the video summit between the US and Russia. State media outlet Vesti described the talks as historic. State TV host Olga Skabeeva summed up the aftermath of the meeting during Wednesday's broadcast of Russia's 60 Minutes.
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The Russian troops assembled at its border with Ukraine send a clear signal to the Europeans and the US that Russia might be ready to take control of Ukraine, which could lead to a major military conflict in Europe.
The Department of Justice said in a press release on Tuesday that the US Navy had seized more than 200 missiles, eight anti-tank missiles and 1.1 million barrels of oil from two Iranian ships in the Arabian Sea. The arms shipments were headed to Iran.
The Biden administration distanced itself from recent comments made by progressives over the increase in smash-and-grab robberies in big cities.
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In the aftermath of the attack, President Trump was horrified, and he knew his days on social media were numbered.
There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud, according to the results of an investigation by the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty.
The 22nd District seat was going to be up for election in 2022, but will be empty at the start of the year.
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Political observers say it is the worst hit they have seen in North Carolina.
Reports of genocide fit the US better than anyone else, said Zhao Lijian.
Republicans are acting out a more dangerous version of World Wrestling Entertainment while Democrats are haggling over policy.
The intrigue is that Kyle Clark admitted that his NBC-affiliated TV station covers a Republican congresswoman. Clark said that they hold Congresswoman Boebert to a far lower standard. If we held her.
Austin American-Statesman.
I am sad and angry that Donald Trump and his GOP allies continue to undermine our election system.
The Fox News conspiracy theorist suggested that coronaviruses can cause diseases.