The new date is Dec 8, 2021.
Multiple news outlets reported that a judge in Los Angeles granted Britney Spears the ability to sign paperwork to control her $60 million estate for the first time in 13 years.
Britney Spears attends the 2016 MTV Video Music Awards at Madison Square. Jamie McCarthy is the photographer.
The images are from the same company.
Variety reported that the motion was granted by the Los Angeles Superior Court Judge after Spears' lawyer argued that she was capable of signing the documents herself.
Spears will take control of her estate from John Zabel, a certified public accountant, who temporarily took control after her father was suspended as a conservator.
Spears has the power to do whatever she wants, her lawyer said after the hearing.
There is a structure called the Tangent.
Jamie Spears hasn't complied with a request for documents into alleged "financial mismanagement and other issues", which was said in September. According to Variety, the pop star's father dodged two depositions, but promised to be deposed. Forbes reached out to Jamie Spears' attorney.
The key background.
After a months-long court battle between Spears and her father that was made public after Spears testified against the conservatorship in June, Spears was granted her request to end her care last month. Spears was placed under a court-appointed individual to take control of her finances and day-to-day decisions in 2008 due to her mental health issues. In November, Jamie Spears asked the court to end his daughter's control over her life, though he has denied any wrongdoing and argued he acted in her best interest.
What to watch out for.
The next hearing is on January 19
The Conservatorship of Britney Spears ended after 13 years.
Jamie Spears wants to immediately terminate the conservatorship.