That may have been my favorite episode of Hawkeye so far. The relationship between Clint Barton and Kate Bishop was the main focus of the show, even though it wasn't as action-packed as the previous episode. Fans had been anticipating an exciting finale and there were some ups and downs. Hawkeye episode four is called "Partners, Am I Right?"
As I predicted last week, episode three's cliffhanger of Jack finding Hawkeye was dealt with as the episode began. Kate and Eleanor showed up right away and everyone was very excited that an Avenger was in the apartment. Eleanor and Jack are confused by the partnership, especially when Clint says it isn't a partnership, and then admits they are working together. Jack calls Clint "Archer" and Kate calls him "CB1," both of which I feel is the winner. CB1 should be in the MCU, since there are other CBs in the NBA, the NFL, and the film industry.
Eleanor convinces Clint that Kate isn't a superhero and she doesn't want to lose her. She wanted to drive it home so she gave Clint a little nod of approval. Clint reads Eleanor's comment loud and clear, " keep Kate safe." Whether or not Eleanor was being devious with the comment is up for debate, but Clint reads her loud and clear. Clint made sure to steal Jack's sword. The watch that everyone was originally after is one of the two Ronan items that are down.
Clint goes back to Kate's aunt's apartment. He texts his wife, Laura, after Kate gives him a warm welcome, because he is acting all detached towards her. During the last episode, Kate and Clint found a company that laundered money for the Track Suit Mafia, and Laura runs it. Eleanor called someone mysterious. The plot is evolving.
The Bishops are joking about Jack always getting his famous sayings wrong after the excitement of Clint wears off. At this point, the audience knows Jack is a bad guy. Kate is pretty sure of it. Kate sees the joy that Jack brings to her mom. It makes Kate happy to see Eleanor happy, and that will be an issue as Clint and Kate's mission gets closer and closer to Jack's real intent.
Kate was inspired to go to see Clint because of that idea of loved ones making each other happy. She brings over pizza, ugly sweaters, some Christmas movies, and a tree because she knows he wants to be with his family. Kate and Clint have a few frozen drinks and decorate the tree in the next sequence. He shows her how to flick a coin to hurt someone, and eventually, things get serious.
Clint tells Kate that the best shot he has ever taken is the one he didn't take. Clint andNatasha had a meeting. Clint says that he was sent to killNatasha but couldn't because he saw something in her. They became lifelong friends after he disobeyed orders and got her out of the Widow program. The score hints at the music from the movie, just to fully seed Clint's pain. He is still in New York because he wants to wash away the past that has stuck with him.
The whole scene was great. The character and relationship building is the most important thing. Kate learns more about Clint and we see the two of them becoming good friends. People who can trust each other.
Kate and Clint are on separate missions the next morning. Clint explained the previous night that finding the missing trick arrows is crucial since they are pretty rare and unique in their design. Both missions went well. Kate convinces the LARPers from episode two to break into evidence storage to retrieve the arrows, even if he doesn't like it, because Kazi got the message that Maya should stop her pointless, dangerous search for Ronin, even if he doesn't like it.
The LARPers want something in return for breaking the law, and everyone agrees that Kate will get them, and herself and Hawkeye, new costumes. I am excited to see how that plays out, but before it can be explored more Clint gets a text that this mysterious watch is transmitting from a nearby apartment. He and Kate are going to get it.
Even though Clint thinks Kate is learning from him, she ignores his plan and gets into the apartment her own way. They realized it was Maya's apartment when she went to look for the timepiece. Clint fights what he believes to be Maya outside as she fights Kate inside. This person is equally skilled and uses some familiar-looking energy weapons. A fun fight sequence ensues that includes Clint trying his hardest to keep Kate safe, and the revelation that the mysterious masked person fighting Clint is Yelena Belova, who is making good on the end credits scene of Black Widow. Clint told Kate that if someone hired a Black Widow assassin to kill him, things were way more serious than he thought, and that she needed to leave. It is over.
Clint, it is not over. There are two more episodes of Hawkeye, which were very well received in "Partners, Am I Right?" Kate and Clint's dangerous partnership is becoming more difficult because they are closer than ever. Jack is making Kate's mom happy, but he also has something to do with everything. The new Black Widow is on the case of Maya's uncle, who is still to be revealed. It is only a few days until Christmas. The series was enriched by this episode and it should be fun to see how it plays out.
What did you think of the fourth episode of Hawkeye? Did you think Yelena would show up? Let us know what you think.
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