A face mask that glows under UV light when exposed to the COVID-19 virus is being developed by researchers in Japan.
The mask was created by the Kyoto Prefectural University to give wearers a quick and easy way to see if they have contracted the virus. They hope to get government approval for the innovation and begin selling them in 2022.
What is the secret to its detection of coronaviruses? There are eggs. In order to fight COVID, ostriches can produce different antibodies.
The team created a special mask filter that was sprayed with a fluorescent dye and contained the antibodies from ostrich eggs. The areas of the filter that are contaminated with the virus will glow under a UV light.
The president of the university told Kyodo News that they could mass produce the antibodies from the animals. In the future, I want to make this an easy testing kit for anyone to use.
Tsukamoto says that he contracted the virus after he put a mask on his face and found it was glowing under a UV light.
The team conducted experiments with people who were given special masks to see if they were positive for the virus. The masks glowed under UV, but faded over the course of 10 days as their viral load decreased.
More testing is needed before they can submit the mask for government approval. The researchers want to scale their experiment to 150 patients.
Being able to quickly identify whether or not you have coronaviruses is important to fighting the worse effects of the Pandemic. These masks are going to go a long way in putting the Pandemic to bed.
Japanese scientists develop glowing masks to detect coronaviruses.
Scientists say a new chewing gum reduces COVID-19 spread.
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