CBD oil has been much touted as the master healer of many health conditions. Taking the medical industry by storm, CBD oil has got women curiously questioning its potential benefits for their menstrual cramps. Is CBD oil truly effective in subduing menstrual pains? That's what we are about to find out.Derived from the hemp plant, cannabis sativa, CBD (cannabidiol) is a non-psychoactive chemical substance that's linked with easing pain, anxiety, inflammation and depression, along with even more benefits.

Can CBD Treat Menstrual Pains?

Let's be blunt here — not all CBD medical claims have been scientifically confirmed. But day in and day out, CBD keeps making the headlines. The first reason that explains the ever-increasing popularity of CBD is due to the relative legality of the substance in places such as the United States, Canada, Australia, Germany, Poland and other countries.For menstruation, it has been theorized that CBD is helpful in reducing the pain and inflammation that arises from uterine contractions and expulsion of the womb lining. According to expert views, there is no proven research that backs the efficacy of CBD oil as a menstrual pain killer.However, there is enough medical evidence establishing that CBD fights inflammation and relieves chronic pains. On the pain- relieving effects of CBD, it's claimed that patients who take daily doses of CBD oil for 3 months, are likely to experience a drop in the severity of their period pains.The severity of period pains differs from woman to woman. Since about 90% of adult women experience menstrual cramps, some of the curious women who tried CBD oils came out with different results. While some users found CBD oils to be effective in managing period pains, others didn't feel any better after using it.Canna flower is where you can experiment with CBD products for yourself.Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is characterized by exhibition of many symptoms such as mood swings, headache, tender breasts, bloating, low sex drive, etc. Mood swings arising from menstruation can also be lessened by relying on CBD oil as an anti-depressant.

Applying CBD Oil Directly on the Genitals

The method of application of CBD oils is another issue of health concern. Some CBD brands out there are recommending dangerous methods of application. Soaking a tampon in CBD oil may get it close to the menstrual flow, but that doesn't mean that it's going to give direct healing. In fact, doctors are not in support of this approach. The reason is that the vagina is a very sensitive organ. It's bacterial and acidic balance may get distorted by the introduction of foreign substances such CBD oils. Bacterial vaginosis is not good news for women; the symptoms are vaginal discharge, odor, yeast infection, soreness, etc.


In summary, even though there are claims all over the place, it's hard to either prove or disprove that CBD is an effective menstrual painkiller. In order to make a firm conclusion, data from clinical research is needed to help us to know the truth behind the anecdotal evidence. However, a lot of research around this topic is still ongoing. As we wait impatiently for the day when doctors will write prescriptions in favor of CBD oils for menstrual pains, it may come sooner than expected.