Musk has strong feelings about our fate as a civilization.
During an interview at The Wall Street Journal's CEO Council Summit on Monday, Musk warned that letting people live longer through new technologies may be a really bad idea.
Musk said it was important for us to die because most people don't change their minds. If you live forever, we might become a very ossified society.
Musk said he was not aware of any secret technology to combat aging.
His ideas shouldn't shock anyone. Musk has benefited immensely from pushing for innovation and change. There is no room for obsolete lines of thinking in his world.
His continued efforts to push back against the US regulators is explained by this. He called for age limits for US government leaders earlier this month.
Musk argued at the event that a rapidly declining birthrate on a global scale is one of the biggest risks to civilization.
Allowing people to live longer lives would result in rapidly aging populations, which would lead to further declining birthrates as fewer people are able to have children.
It is not the first time that Musk has warned of declining populations being the cause of our downfall. He took a shot at Jeff Bezos for investing millions in a startup in Silicon Valley.
If it doesn't work, he's going to file a lawsuit. Musk referred to Bezos' litigious tendencies.
Musk's warnings aren't completely off the mark despite all of the facetiousness. COVID-19 has increased the trend of declining birthrates.
China, the most populous country in the world, has seen a dramatic drop in birthrates.
According to experts, the world could be in for a decline due to demographic changes, and it could start before the year 2200.
It remains to be seen if that is a bad thing. The economic impacts of a diminishing labor force may be self-explanatory, but it may not be such a bad thing given our harmful footprint on the planet.
Musk thinks you should die.
Unless people have more children, civilization is going to fall, says Musk.
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