Pfizer Vaccine Provides Less Immunity.
A new study shows that Pfizer provides a vaccine.
Less immunity to the omicron variance than other strains.
South African researchers say a third dose.
vaccine still provides a degree of protection against the highly.
The variant is 00:13mutated.
Sam is joining us for more.
The head of research is for Bloomberg Intelligence.
Sam, good to have you with us.
I'm interested in your picture.
Take on what we've heard so far.
This is not from Pfizer.
This is some research in South Africa.
The epicenter of the Omicron outbreak is here.
I'm interested in what it says to you.
I'm interested because they are in.
The level of utility.
I suppose because they say it's going.
To be less effective against Omicron.
They compared it to the original strain of COVID-19.
We know that the vaccines have proven themselves.
Less effective against some of the more recent.
There are 00:50strains.
What is your overall view?
Good morning Anna. First of all.
I want to wish these scientists well.
Data out so fast.
The tests were done against the live virus.
The current virus looks like an engineered version.
That is an amazing achievement.
I'm not reading the data in a positive way.
People seem to be.
01:45 The.
Reduction in the ability of vaccine to be administered.
This variant is three times higher.
We saw the variant.
Let's not forget if you look at the detail.
This is blood from people who are not immune.
Before that time.
They would be at the highest level.
They could possibly have an antibody.
I think we should be very careful.
It provides with two shots.
I suspect within a month.
After the vaccine.
You'd probably have nothing in terms of protection.
Against an illness.
boosters help where they have more data.
That suggests that boosters could give you the level.
The antibodies should be able to neutralize for a while.
You have the possibility of that.
New vaccine from across the country.
I thought I was reading a negative story.
You've made me even gloomier.
Double vaccination won't really help.
We need boosters.
I want to focus on the question.
The market has been confused about being optimistic.
The report was published at 02:23
The other part is that.
I would have thought so given the lag in illness.
We're going to have a disease after that.
More confidence on the contagious element.
The Omicron variant is the one we're going to have.
There is confidence.
What impact is it?
Is that correct or wrong?
Will we find it out at the same time?
Testing what the protein looks like?
No, you're right there.
It would.
It would be soon or already.
This is a much more transmissible virus.
Don't forget if the data is there.
You don't have much protection from a previous.
A double vaccine shot is possible.
That adds to the issue that those people aren't.
It was 03:11protected.
You will see more infections.
Please remember. We're talking about the infections.
That is driven by a whole.
The immune system has other areas.
I think we'll have a good level.
Even with two shots, there is protection against severe disease.
That data is what you say.
It will take some time.
I think we have a good feeling.
More transmissible.
There's even more infectious.
Whether the severity is worse or not.
I think this week and next are when.
We find out that information.
Probably out of South Africa.
It was a festive gift for us all.
Depending on which, Sam.
I mean a 40 fold reduction in levels.
Affirmative antibodies.
That's what you were talking about.
It was suggested that that is.
It is a disappointing result.
I think you're suggesting a thing.
What about T cells? I know that this is.
The bodies response is what we need.
To keep a track or keep an eye on it.
When it comes to vaccines, think about it.
We don't know. I mean.
One study did a computational analysis.
Where the areas of the virus are.
There are known areas where cells attack.
They found that those are affected by the omicron abnormality.
It was a relatively high.
The time was 04:3430%. We're potentially impacted, but that still leaves 70%.
T cells are similar to antibodies.
They are evolving.
I'm here. I'm hopeful that part of it.
Immune system will give us good protection.
There is a severe disease.
One of the problems is if this.
It's more infectious.
When you have a lot of people.
A lot of people have said that they are being infections.
This is 04:59
Pressure on health care systems is still there.
The sheer volume was close by.
Even if this is a lower percentage.