I consulted the internet to find out the amount of time I spend ruminating on my cats' lives, because I wanted to know the exact amount of time I spent. In the two years since I became a cat owner, I have searched for variations of "cat love me - how do I tell?" and "is my cat happy 17 times". I inadvertently subscribe to the daily digest from the knowledge website Quora, which emails me a daily digest. Cats can be angry or upset with their owner.
Research shows that cats track their owners.
There are research finds on cats and their owners.
How do I love my cats? Let's count the ways. The clean snap of Larry's jaw as he contemplates me with detached curiosity is my favourite sound. My six-month-old kitten Kedi follows me around the house and I love the way he sings. He wants food, and lower-pitched chirrups suggest he would like to play. I like the weight of Larry on my feet at night and the care of Kedi's tongue on my eyelid in the morning.
How do I know what the little tykes are thinking and feeling? I fear the authors of online listicles written in cursive fonts are unlikely to provide me with the latest scientific research, and are probably just saying what they think I want to hear. I will have to go to the fountainhead to truly journey into the feline soul.
You don't need to know how a cat worships it. Linda Nylind is a photographer for The Guardian.
Cats are the most common pet in the UK, but we don't know much about them. Dr Carlo Siracusa of the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine says that this is partly due to practical problems.
You can study dogs in a lab and they will be content. Cats are territorial. If you move a cat to a laboratory, you will see that it is different from the normal cat behavior.
I was attracted by their mystery. What are these cats thinking? How do they see the world?
Dr. Takagi
There is another reason why cats are under-researched. Siracusa says there is a stigma. Cats have been treated badly. Cats were thought to be the companions of witches and sometimes tortured and burned. John Gray, author of Feline Philosophy: Cats and the Meaning of Life, says that they have been stigmatized as evil because they are thought to be amoral. Cats just want to follow their own nature.
Scientists run studies in their homes to determine what we know about domestic cats. Many scientists are cat owners. Dr Takagi says he is a cat lover. I was attracted to cats because of their mysteriousness. What are these cats thinking? How do they see the world? These are the questions that make me want to do research. Takagi is a member of the professional network for scientists, ResearchGate.
Cats are elegant. They approach us. They move their heads. They have some contact with us and then walk away. A model poses for Nick David.
She co-authored a paper that found that cats can track their owners' locations even when they can't see them. The audio of the owners calling their names was played for the cats in the study. They appeared startled when the source of their owner's voice moved. She says that the findings suggest that cats are concerned about their owners. They may be thinking about what will happen next.
Cats get attached to people. They show affection by being in the same room with you.
Dr. Carlo Siracusa.
Cats are often criticized for using humans for warm beds and not having a reliable source of food. Siracusa says that cats get attached to people. They get attached to other animals as well. He says that cats show affection by being in the same room as you or physically close to you. Cats that sleep on their owners or other cats. He says that cats who have grown up together are more likely to be preferred associates. Cats don't like to be hugged and kissed. The majority of cats don't like it.
Cats don't like to be hugged and kissed. The images are from the eclipse.
Humans who are disappointed their cats don't behave like other humans, or at the very least, dogs, tend to be the ones who misapprehensions that cats don't care for their owners. Siracusa said that cats are not people and they are not dogs. Humans hug and kiss. The dogs are excited and jumping around. Cats don't do that. They are more stylish. They approach us. They move their heads. They have some contact with us and then walk away.
They are descended from a solitary creature. Karen Hiestand is a clinical veternologist at the University of Sussex. They don't need friends. Cats may lick each other in multicat households. Watching Larry and Kedi groom each other is the highlight of my day.
Cats can show affection by licking each other. The image is deepblue4you/ iStock photo.
Hiestand says that cats can feel depressed. Don't call it depression. She says there are issues with using mental health terminology on non-human species. If it looks like a horse and sounds like a horse, then it's a horse. Hiestand says that the issue when it comes to spotting depressed cats is that they are subtle. When cats are miserable, we don't notice because they sit still and don't do much. They will be hissing and fighting if they are miserable. That is an action of last resort for them. There is a world of misery before then. We don't notice. When Siracusa started working from home due to the Pandemic, his cat was confused and upset by the change in his behavior. Look out for changes in their toilet habits. When Siracusa put her on a vaccine, it appeared to improve her mood. He says that the immune system is influenced by the gut.
When cats are miserable, we don't notice because they sit still and don't do much. The picture is of Kseniya Ovchinnikova.
I have seen this before and Cats retain memories. Larry stopped walking on my kitchen units after he burned his paw. He would jump off if I put him on the work surface. Siracusa says that memories that cause a negative feeling are good for survival. Cats learn from experience and retain information that will keep them out of trouble or help them to get an advantage.
Cats have more mundane memories. Takagi has conducted experiments in which cats are fed multiple bowls of food. The researchers learned which types of food the cats liked best and served it in a specific bowl, then later switched the bowls. They found that the cats could remember if they had searched a bowl before for a particular treat. Takagi says that it showed that it could be used and retrieved later. This type of memory is similar to memories in humans.
Sometimes you can see their feet pedalling as if they are running in their dreams.
Karen Hiestand.
They dream. When operating on cats that are hallucinogenic, there are some anaesthetic agents we use. I always wonder what the cat is hallucinating. Is it big mice? You can see their feet pedalling, as if they are running. Hiestand believes that these dreams are not like the human experience of dreaming, where you store things in your memory banks. There is no reason to think their brains would work differently to ours.
Our cats lead mysterious lives when we are not around. The image is from bryantscannell/
Cats cannot do what they can because their frontal lobes are not developed. Siracusa says that cats can't make long-term plans. Some people think that if they leave the house and their cat poops on the couch, they will have a bad experience when they come back. Cats don't have the ability to plan in this way. Kedi doesn't want to annoy me when he knocks over my laundry rack, he just wants to see fresh laundry strewn across the floor.
What is going on in those little brains? Siracusa says that is a difficult question. Most of their thoughts are about how to stay safe. Stay away from animals. Eat a juicy mouse. They most likely have thoughts related to us because they live in a human world. The new tumble dryer makes a loud noise. Most of their thoughts are related to staying safe. He laughs and says that those are his inner thoughts, projected on to a cat's inner thoughts.
I become obsessed with the happiness and wellbeing of my charges over the course of the week as I research and write this article. I keep an eye on their little faces, watching for a flicker of emotion behind their amber eyes. I send videos of them to the cat behaviorist. She said that Kedi was excited to see me in the video. He knows his food is coming soon. There is a burst of energy after waking. It is typical behavior.
A cat has its belly tickled. Catherine Falls Commercial
It isn't enough. I can see that they are licking their bottoms, jumping at flies, sleeping on their backs, and crying out to be tickled. When I am not around, the lives they lead are a mystery. Do they care about me or not? The answer is to spy on them. Canary provides me with internal security cameras. What do they reveal? The cats write on my desk. They take chunks out of my chair. They drink from old water glasses. They are unaffected by my absence.
Cats stay themselves. They are able to adapt to human ways. They do not adopt human ways.
John Gray is a person.
Most cats will fetch a ball on command or embrace vegan if their owners are not around. They are cats. They do what they want. Gray says that cats are a window outside the human world. They are able to adapt to human ways. They don't use human ways.
We should stop trying to project human attributes on these creatures. Gray says that humans and cats are not the same. Can we learn anything from them that is beneficial to us? I think we can. By looking at something different to us, that lives alongside us, we can shake the harmful habits that go with being human. We worry about the future and not living enough in the present. Also, sleeping a lot.
The cats understand the importance of sleep. The picture is of Kseniya Ovchinnikova.
I think the ancient Egyptians got it right. The goddess of cats was often depicted as a cat. Gray says that they are self-possessed and imperious. They do what they want to do. They want to live the way they want to live. A better relationship between humans and cats would be similar to ancient ways. You don't need to understand how a cat worships it.
I unplugged my cameras and returned Larry and Kedi to an unmonitored existence after a week of feline exploration. I fire up the camera and watch the footage one last time. I see a little kitten reaching for its paw to look at the computer screen. I want the felicity that comes to our feline friends so easily.