The Hubble Space Telescope was taken offline after a glitch. The image is from NASA.
Hubble is back in business.
The Hubble Space Telescope is back to normal after a glitch took its science instruments offline. The Hubble team recovered the last of the telescope's instruments yesterday, the agency announced today.
NASA wrote that the team would continue work on developing and testing changes to instrument software that would allow them to conduct science operations even if they encounter lost messages in the future.
The Hubble Space Telescope has the best images.
Hubble experienced a glitch with its internal communications. Hubble was temporarily made operational after all four of the scope's science instruments were offline. The Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) was the first instrument to come back online.
The first change that the Hubble team will make to prevent such issues in the future will be a software update for the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph instrument. NASA said in a statement that Hubble's other science instruments will get software updates in the coming months.
NASA, the European Space Agency and the Canadian Space Agency collaborated to create the James Webb Space Telescope, which will join Hubble in space. It can make unique observations that complement Hubble.
NASA expects the two observatory will work together well into this decade, expanding our knowledge of the cosmos, with the launch of the Webb Telescope planned for later this month.
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