Foster was arrested around midnight on December 4th after leading officers on a chase.
The Reform Police Department's chief says Foster took off when the cop tried to stop him.
According to Black, Foster drove into the town of Gordo after evading cops for 8 miles.
Black says that cops had to wrestle Foster to the ground in order to get the cuffs on him.
Black said it was unclear what happened to the former New Orleans Saints defensive lineman after he arrived at the jail.
Law enforcement officials in Alabama tell a celebrity. Foster died while in custody. They said there is nothing more to say at this time.
Glenn Foster, a former defensive lineman for the New Orleans Saints, died two days after he was arrested in Alabama.
He was 31 years old.
The medical examiner in the county confirmed the death but wouldn't say what happened.
Foster was arrested and booked on December 4th on charges of reckless endangerment, resisting arrest and attempting to flee. The records show he was re- booked on robbery and assault charges.
The Alabama State Bureau of Investigation is handling inquiries, but it's unclear if Foster was still in police custody at the time of his death.
Attempts to reach the Alabama State Bureau of Investigation have been unsuccessful.
Foster played two seasons for the team after signing with the Saints as an undrafted free agent.
He retired from the league.
Terron Armstead, Foster's former teammate and current New Orleans star, commented on the news on Tuesday, saying he couldn't find the words to properly express his feelings. Glenn Foster, you will be missed!
Originally published at 12:55 PM.