Donald Trump was the President.
The Supreme Court tossed out the Texas election lawsuit.
The suit was a desperate attempt by Texas to throw the election to Trump.
Can you believe it? The court struck down the suit.
In his new memoir, MarkMeadows wrote that he had never seen Donald Trump look as sad as he did when the Supreme Court rejected the Texas case.
Texas' lawsuit argued that Joe Biden's victories in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Georgia should be thrown out because of voter fraud allegations. The suit said that the Republican-led legislatures in all four states should be allowed to pick a pro-Trump slate of electors. The case was supported by a majority of House Republicans.
The Texas Attorney General's lawsuit was not heard by the high court due to a lack of standing. The court said that Texas had not shown a judicially cognizable interest in the way in which another state conducts its elections.
In his memoir, he said that the court ruled that Trump had no standing to challenge the election because it was unfair to him.
I wondered if he didn't have standing. Meadows wrote. He said that when he walked into the Oval Office in late December, he didn't think President Trump was as depressed as he is now.
"My head was hanging low, I told him that the Supreme Court wouldn't be hearing challenges to the election results," the book said.
Trump didn't say anything for a while. He looked up at the ceiling and asked, "Can you believe that?" after a few seconds.
"No sir," he said according to his memoir. "No, I can't."
It was sadly believable that he was reflecting on the moment now, considering what had happened over the last four years.
The Supreme Court's ruling was influenced by the Texas case.
We will be following the Texas case. This is the big one. Shortly before the court handed down its opinion, he said that the country needed a victory.
Texas' demand for judges to overrule a democratic outcome in a free and fair election was decried by constitutional scholars as an unprecedented and legally dubious request.
The 2020 race was the most secure in US history despite the claims of election malfeasance by Trump and Republicans.
The Supreme Court has a 6-3 conservative majority and three Trump-appointed justices, and the Trump camp's allegations of voter fraud were dismissed by courts all over the country.
The judges believed that states had no standing to bring the cases because they had caused harm by the law.
The facts of fraud were not looked at by the judges.
The lawsuits brought by Trump's campaign and his GOP allies were based on smaller complaints and isolated instances, rather than the widespread fraud that the president said had plagued the election, according to The Washington Post. The Post said that most of the cases were determined by judges to be speculative, rumors or hearsay.
The lawyers who led those cases have been disciplined by the courts. In August, a federal judge imposed sanctions on Trump-aligned attorneys, including Sidney Powell and Lin Wood, for spouting nonsense conspiracy theories in lawsuits that were filed "in bad faith and for improper purpose."
Rudy Giuliani, the former New York mayor who was perhaps the most prominent face of Trump's election crusade, was suspended from practicing law in New York and Washington, DC, after an appellate division of New York's Supreme Court found "uncontroverted evidence" that he "communicate
Business Insider has an original article.
In "The Chief's Chief," he wrote that he was positive for the virus two days after the election.
On the night that she died, he was not thinking about any of that, but he had a deep admiration for the liberal justice.
Muhammad Ali's ex- wife influenced him.
There are conspiracy theories that Italy and China hacked the election.
Real money is at stake, but you wouldn't know it from a shoddy presentation.
The Indianapolis Star.
There was a sharp increase in new COVID-19 cases on Monday.
Do not pay high power bills. It's genius. Power companies are furious with this program.
Miller is aRep. On Tuesday, Dan Crenshaw torched some of his most prominent Republican colleagues, calling members of the hard-right House Freedom Caucus "grifters" and " performance artists" who only "know how to say slogans real well."
Reports that Donald Trump has been upset with his former aide's new memoir follow the news that Meadows no longer intends to work with House investigators.
Glenn Foster Jr., a former defensive lineman for the New Orleans Saints, died this week after being arrested in Alabama. The agency said Foster's body was released to the Alabama Department of Forensic Services.
A passenger creates a huge scene by refusing to move her bag.
Republicans are losing trust in doctors. It's a symptom of a bigger problem.
For more than 20 years, Democratic Rep. Mike Doyle has represented the Pittsburgh area in Congress. When he announced that he would retire after his current term, progressive Pennsylvania state Rep. Summer Lee immediately declared her intention to replace him.
Drug developers have some good news as the world frets about the omicron coronaviruses variant causing a surge of cases and weakened vaccines. Two new COVID-19 pills are coming soon, and are expected to work against all versions of the virus. molnupiravir is a pill that reduces the risk of hospitalization and death from COVID-19 by 30% if taken within five days.
A couple is working on their 1940's home and bumped into a secret.
Ahmaud Arbery, an African American man who was shot and killed while jogging in a suburban Georgia neighborhood, was honored in a California mural.
Hyde said it was all about respect.
According to a new book, President Donald Trump had a low blood oxygen level after he was diagnosed with the coronaviruses. The new details show that Trump was in fact more gravely injured than the White House had acknowledged. The Chief's Chief is a book by Meadows. He describes his time in the White House.
Here, we show you the best small mountain towns that are full of charm and scenic adventures.
The Duchess of Cornwall told the programme-makers that she had had severe withdrawal symptoms after The Archers disappeared.
The fake card has a doctored image of Trump with a stern expression, dressed in a tuxedo with a phallic outline.
The research head of a laboratory at the Africa Health Research Institute in South Africa said on Tuesday that the Omicron variant of the coronaviruses can partially evade protection from Pfizer Inc and partner BioNTech's COVID-19 vaccine. Alex Sigal, a professor at the Africa Health Research Institute, said there was a drop in neutralization of the Omicron variant. A manuscript posted on the website for his lab says that the lab tested blood from 12 people who had received the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.
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Brooke Shields is in a yellow bathing suit on the beach after her leg injury. She broke her leg in February.
During a press conference on Tuesday, Gaetz said that he discussed a speakership role with the former president.
The effects of contracting the new Omicron variant of the coronaviruses do not appear to be as bad as first thought, according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top medical adviser to President Biden.