Tomasz Nowakowski is a writer for the website Phys.org.
A wavelet image of the [0.5 2.5] keV band. Bartalucci et al., 2021.
The Italian astronomer used the XMM-Newton spacecraft to perform X-ray observations of the massive galaxy cluster. The results of the campaign were presented on arXiv.org.
Up to thousands of galaxies are bound together by gravity. They are the largest known structures in the universe, and could be used as excellent laboratories for studying the evolution of the universe.
At a redshift of 0.76, a galaxy cluster has not been comprehensively studied. One of the most massive galaxy clusters has a mass estimated to be 980 trillion solar mass.
The Institute of Space Astrophysics and Cosmic Physics of Milano in Italy, led by Iacopo Bartalucci, has recently carried out X-ray observations of a piece of metal. The data from EPIC allowed them to take a closer look at the cluster's structure.
The X-ray analysis of the cluster is presented. This object is part of a sample of 44 candidate clusters presented in Buddendiek et al.
There were signs of merging activities in the outskirts and a flat core when the team inspected the morphology. It was noted that the lack of merger features could be due to the low statistics and low resolution of the collected data.
The inner part of the cluster appears to be regular, with a roundish shape and a bright core. The shape is ellipsoidal along the northwest-southeast direction, and appears to be more irregular at large scales. There are two faint substructures in the south and southeast sectors.
The observations showed that the mass of ClG-J104803.7+313843 is approximately 556 trillion solar mass. The cluster turned out to be smaller than thought.
The object was initially detected as a 1015 solar mass object but has a smaller mass with a reduction in the relative error of the order of 3 times. The astronomer said that the result shows the importance of X-ray characterisation.
In order to improve our understanding of massive clusters, like the one presented in their research, X-ray observations and ancillary multi-wavelength studies are needed.
I. Bartalucci and his team have X-ray characterisation of the massive galaxy cluster.
The Science X Network will be launched in 2021.
There is a massive galaxy cluster that was investigated in X-rays.
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