The fear and anxiety over the photos of the remains of Kobe and Gianna Bryant will last forever, according to the woman.
Kobe's widow filed a declaration in her lawsuit. She asked the sheriff to not allow anyone to take pictures of what was left behind at the crash site because there were no survivors. She told the Sheriff that if he couldn't bring her husband and baby back, she wanted no one to take pictures of them.
She learned that firefighters and sheriff's deputies were sharing photos of Kobe and Gianna's remains. They'd leak and be disseminated online, and that's what happened when she heard this.
It was.
She says she has doubts about the County's assurances that the photos were secured.
In the documents, she says that she's been "terrified with thoughts of who took the photo and whether it depicts my husband."
The people I trusted to protect the dignity of my husband and daughter were angry that they were able to get souvenirs of their deaths. I imagine Kobe watching the scene of the crash, and I am overcome by anger and emotion.
There's more. I feel sick at the thought that my husband and child's bodies have been looked at by firefighters without any reason. I feel sad and angry that photos of my husband's and daughter's bodies were laughed at at a bar and awards banquet.
She points to the fact that photos can be easily stored, transferred and preserved with the technology of today, and is constantly fretting about the pics being in some way, shape or form. She says she was triggered when she typed in Kobe's name and a suggested search for his body appeared. She says that the threat of being threatened by the troll by claiming to have the photos and promising to release them adds fuel to the fire.
It was.
"For the rest of my life, one of two things will happen: either close-up photos of my husband's and daughter," she said.
The documents were filed in response to the motion to have the case thrown out.