Trump endorsed Perdue in the Georgia governor's race.
In a statement released on Monday, Trump said he was backing Perdue in the primary.
On Monday, Trump accused Kemp of being a "RINO" (an acronym for "Republican-in-name-only") and for hurting "election integrity" in Georgia.
The liberals and RINOs have run all over him on Election integrity and more, and he has been a very weak Governor. He can't win because the MAGA base will never vote for him.
The former president said that he thought Perdue and Walker would make an unstoppable team.
Trump supporters will turn out in large numbers to vote for these great leaders. My complete and total endorsement of David Perdue. He will not let you down. Trump wrote.
Perdue lost to Jon Ossoff in a Senate election earlier this year after a rift between himself and Kemp.
The two men saw their relationship break down after Kemp broke with Trump and said he would follow the law. In return, the former president lashed out at Kemp, saying that he did nothing to help Trump in the 2020 presidential election and that he was ashamed of endorsing Kemp when he ran for governor in the fall of 2018).
Kemp's representatives didn't reply to Insider's request for comment.
At a June rally, Trump said he would rather have a female governor in Georgia than a male one.
If you want to know what I think, having her might be better than having your existing governor. It's okay with me.