Two days after CNN fired the anchor, Chris Cuomo said he would no longer host a daily show on the satellite radio service.
Chris Cuomo hosts a conversation with former governors. On June 18, 2019, in New York City, Christine Todd Whitman and...
The images are for SiriusXM.
Cuomo said he was taking a step back and focusing on what comes next, so he was stepping away from his two-hour-a-day SiriusXM show.
Patrick Reilly, the vice president of corporate communications at SiriusXM, thanked Cuomo for his work and said his show would no longer air.
Cuomo denied the accusation to several news outlets, after an employment attorney told reporters that she had informed CNN of a misconduct allegation against Cuomo from an unnamed client.
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Cuomo said that the past week had been difficult for his family. I have to take a step back and think about what's next. I will no longer be doing my radio show.
Andrew Cuomo resigned as New York's governor four months ago, after an investigation by New York Attorney General Letitia James backed up allegations of sexual harassment from multiple former staffers and other women. Chris Cuomo agreed to look into other news outlets' reporting on Andrew Cuomo in order to help his brother's advisors navigate the allegations. The Washington Post reported in May that Chris Cuomo had violated journalistic standards by participating in strategy sessions with his brother's staff. Cuomo apologized for the violation, but he had previously drawn criticism for his brother's office ties. The new records released by James suggest Chris Cuomo had a greater level of involvement in his brother's efforts than we previously knew, according to the network. He was suspended by the network on Tuesday and then fired on Saturday, after an outside law firm discovered additional information.
Chris Cuomo was fired by CNN for helping his brother.