The new MacBook Pro models have an issue with the slot for the SD cards.
There seems to be little consistency between the reports of the issues that readers are having with the affected cards. Some of the SD cards have slow transfer speeds. Wildct is a reader of MacRumors.
Same issues with the 14" M1 Pro. It seems like it's very inconsistent. Half the time it will recognize the card and the other half it will throw an error. The cards were formatted in my camera. I tried to change them but it didn't make a difference. All my cards work in my other card readers.
Sometimes an error message is displayed when attempting to use the card, sometimes Finder crashes, and sometimes the card takes a long time to accesible. 2Stepfan is a reader of MacRumors.
It's very frustrating. I was hoping that the import from the card would be quick. I have a new 64 gigabyte card which is working well. Photos on the MBP use the internal slot of the card and can take minutes to show. Sometimes the Finder crashes as well.
The issue does not seem to be the issue with the thread. Multiple users have reported that using an sd card reader over theusb-c works if the slot on the card does not work. The reader is from MacRumors.
I tried many cards and could not find a pattern. It seems to be completely random. If a card does not work properly, it never works properly, that's the only thing that's consistent. Reformatting doesn't make a difference to all other formats. Sandisk, Sony, and other companies make no difference. 100% of my cards work.
Some readers have been told that Apple is aware of the issue and that a fix is coming in a future software update, but it is not clear if this is a hardware issue or a software issue. It's not known what's going on with some users who had problems with their MacBook Pro but didn't have to replace it.
Many of the reports are about older cards, but there may be a particular issue with some cards, but for the most part, complaints are all over the place in terms of the card brand, speed, and capacity.
One user reported that the macOS Monterey 12.1 beta had fixed the issue, but another person said that the most recent version did not address it, so we don't know if the most recent version has a fix.
If you're unable to use your SD cards with the slot, you can use an sd card reader to get your content onto an M1 Pro or M1 Max Mac.