Jane McGonigal says someone hacked into her phone after she sent it to be fixed. Consumers are advised not to send their phones to the company by McGonigal.
McGonigal said that someone used it to log into his account, and that he could see that they were trying to find nudes.
McGonigal sent her phone to a repair center in Texas in October. McGonigal says that shipping information shows that the phone was actually delivered to the facility, despite the fact that she was charged for a replacement.
You have mail.
When she checked her email, she saw security warnings from the internet. The person who took the phone changed the email security settings so that all the notifications from the internet were marked as junk. She says they deleted security notifications from her backup email accounts.
The photos they opened were of me in bathing suits, sports bras, form-fitting dresses, and of course stitches after surgery.
Even though McGonigal is a game designer, she couldn't factory reset her phone because it wouldn't turn on. If a person is familiar with phones and security, how can they feel safe?
This is the second time in the past few months that a phone has been stolen while it is in transit to a repair site. McGonigal is open to a class action lawsuit and hopes someone can help her.
A spokesman for the search engine said that they were investigating the claim.
More on mobile hacking nightmares.
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