Men spread COVID-19 more than women and children.
CBS News reported that the study was to look into COVID transmission at performing arts events. Researchers found that the adult male subjects emitted more aerosols than the adult women or children.
The explanation is very simple. Adult men tend to have larger lungs.
John Volckens, a mechanical engineering professor at Colorado State University, told CBS that adults emit more particles than children. Men emit more particles because they have bigger lungs.
He said that people speaking or singing at higher volumes will spread more aerosols because the energy they exert to project their voices will translate to more particles coming out of your body. Loud guys are going to spread the most COVID.
The conclusion was clear. The places where people are talking, singing, or shouting loudly are the places where the highest rates of COVID transmission occur.
Singing loudly emits more aerosol particles than just talking loudly, as the cases of choir superspreader events seem to suggest.
Researchers brought in singers, brass instrument players, and actors to measure aerosol emission in an aerosol testing chamber. The next phase of the study will look at which instruments are more likely to spread COVID-19.
We should have a moment of silence for the months that global and national health authorities ignored the overwhelming research showing that COVID-19 is transmitted via aerosol droplets that float in the air.
Without that knowledge, we wouldn't have gotten this burn on the least-fair sex.
A study shows men spread COVID particles more than other people.
Catching coronaviruses makes it harder for men to have kids.
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