The image is from the same source.
The boss of a US firm was lambasted after he fired around 900 of his staff on a single call.
"If you're on this call, you're part of the unlucky group being laid off," said the chief executive of mortgage firm Better.com on the call.
It was a horrible move, especially in the run up to Christmas, according to comments on social media.
Mr Garg told the staff on the call that he cried last time.
I wish the news was different. I wish we were doing better, he said. He referred to the notes on the desk in front of him after his tone was measured.
The mass-firing of 15% of Better.com's workforce was due to staff performance and productivity, as well as market changes, according to Mr Garg.
Better.com received $750m from investors last week, but he didn't mention it.
Better.com has been contacted by the BBC.
Fortune magazine confirmed that Mr Garg was the author of a previously written anonymous post in which he accused sacked staff at his firm of stealing from their colleagues and customers by being productive and only working two hours a day.
The company is backed by Japanese conglomerate Softbank and is worth around $6 billion.
In the email, Mr Garb said that he was too slow. You are a group of dolphins. Stop it. Stop it. Don't let it happen right now. You are confusing me.
"This is not a way to lead an organisation", said the lecturer in employment law and business studies at the University.
She said that a mass-firing like this wouldn't be legal in the UK.
"Just because you can do this in America doesn't mean you should," she said.
Even in difficult conditions, there are ways to do these things.
Existing employees will look to how the company treats people as a signal to how it will treat them in the future, she said.
There are proper channels through which to deal with staff who aren't meeting the required standards or amounts of work and while employers are within their right to take the appropriate action, there is a right way to do these things morally and legally.