Assisted-Suicide Chamber Approved by Authorities in Switzerland

Switzerland supports physician-assisted suicide. One company wants to allow patients to kill themselves at the push of a button and take the doctors out of the process.

According to the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation, Exit International has developed a 3D-printed suicide chamber. The capsule just cleared legal regulatory approval in Switzerland, and is set to launch in the country as soon as next year.

Patients are allowed to lay comfortably inside. When they are ready to die, they press a button that fills the chamber with nitrogen gas, which will cause a painless death.

The founder of Exit International said there was no panic.
The chamber can be transported to different locations, allowing patients to choose where they want to die.

The idea of an honest-to-god suicide booth is fascinating in its own right, but it is the company goal of de-medicalizing the suicide process that is eyebrow-raising.

In order to get a medically assisted suicide in Switzerland, you need to have a doctor confirm your mental capacity and then prescribe a drug that can kill you in two to five minutes.
Exit International wants to create an online mental capacity test. If you pass, it will give you a code that will allow you to access sarco. That is still in the conceptual stages.

We want to remove any kind of psychiatric review from the process and allow the individual to control the method themselves.

There are still controversial issues surrounding assisted suicide and euthanasia. Some might bristle at the idea of a suicide capsule, but it will give people a new option at the end of life.

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