Getting a business off the ground is even more difficult than entrepreneurship. A war is being fought. When founders are looking for advice on dealing with stress and adversity, they often turn to the armed services.
I've found a lot of resilience, endurance, and strategy tips from Navy SEALs. If you're a fan of this kind of wisdom, a new resource is very important.
The performance psychology department at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point is run by Nathan Zinsser. Cadets are taught how to weather the worst battlefields. He is sharing his secrets in a new book.
The type of advice on offer was a preview. Here are a few of the techniques covered in the article and the book that you can use to make a decision.
Being able to shut off the chatter in your brain so you can actually relax can feel like a gift some people simply have and some people don't. You can learn it. The army has a long history of teaching soldiers how to sleep on cue, and psychology offers a number of tips on how to relax and calm your brain.
If you teach yourself these simple but powerful techniques, you will be able to use them in short windows. Two minutes of deep breathing and relaxation can be useful.
He says that you rest your brain with changes in blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen levels.
The West Point Cadets are taught the same thing as the addicts in recovery, that is, the serenity prayer, which is "grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference."
Negative emotions like anger and fear can affect your energy levels. Cadets are taught to avoid moaning and complaining in order to conserve their mental strength.
Mental strength and physical strength can't be summoned out of thin air. They are taught by Zinsser to be aware of what they need to do to fill their tanks, and to prioritize doing those things.
"Do the things you need to give yourself success and energy in a suboptimal environment, whether that's extra sleep or extra time to prepare for a tough assignment," he instructs. It's important to say no to other things that would make it hard to prepare, like a fun night out or another task.
Are you interested in more of the wisdom of Zinsser? You can check out the article or book.