The Bears andCardinals battled it out.
You instantly fail when you want to be a cool grown up and get a new piercing.
The new NBC show 'That's My Jam' featured Ariana Grande and Kelly Clarkson. Ariana walked off the stage when Kelly sang Whitney Houston's 'I'll Always Love You'.
The Italian actress says that when you are 50 or 60 you don't have the same needs as when you are 20.
A Minnesota man who attended an NYC convention tested positive for an Omicron coronaviruses variant. Fifteen of his friends have the same disease.
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At a press conference in Chicago on Friday, civil rights attorney Ben Crump is calling on the FBI to investigate Jelani Day's case as a hate crime.
We're not sure if the Bears fan was successful in securing his poncho as the wind whipped at Soldier Field.
Cannon is in the hospital.
Unedited photos are more than expected.
Brady was hired by the Carolinas in 2020 as a high-profile hire from LSU.
The pop star posed in corsets and other pinup-inspired fashions for a fashion magazine.
The seats that John Legend and Christine Teigen bought out were at one of New York City's most popular holiday attractions.
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The flexibility that remote work has given employees is one of the reasons why progressive companies are creating work models that attract and retain them.
The former engineer gave out private subscriber data to his friends and used it to make money.
According to local news, Sarah Dailey is charged with possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute.
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Dick Vitale thinks Alabama football coach Nick Saban would be a steal at $500 million.
The woman claims that Tristian got her pregnant after a fling.
The whole experience felt like biting into an apple, only to realize it's an onion.
50 years after the satellite vanished,erie signals started drifting back to Earth.
The man will get 150,000 euros worth of jewels, according to the mayor of Chamonix. The other half will be given to the local authorities.
After they failed to appear in court, they were declared "fugitives".
The host of "Cuomo Prime Time" was suspended for trying to investigate the women accusing his brother of sexual harassment.