Alycia Debnam-Carey was the one who played Will.
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I have to give credit where it is due before I lay into Fear The Walking Dead.
Alycia Debnam-Carey does a great job. She is a talented actor who has barely even gotten a moment of screen-time this season and now that she has her own episode, she has brought her A-game. Excellent.
Okay. Knives out. There are more to come.
The queen is named QueenAlicia.
We will never understand why Teddy took Alicia to the shelter he set up for his people and locked her inside so he could shoot his missiles and kill her, and why he left her there.
She discovers that she is not alone. Teddy's people greet her as the Chosen One. They tell her that Teddy told them to follow a total stranger who doesn't want to be there, but why he would do that and why they would follow a total stranger who doesn't want to be there.
She tries to escape and runs into Will who she met in the first episode of the season. Will was thrown off the tower by a murderer who didn't want to find him and there are lights on in all the windows.
Things go sideways whenAlicia and Will try to make their escape. A bite and use of a weird pipe weapon to saw her arm off stopped the spread of the infection. The stupid pipe is the dumbest weapon on the show and I don't think you could see an arm off with it.
Will will put her down and not allow her to hurt anyone if she turns around. She woke up in bed with a bandage on her arm and was angry at Will.
Alycia Debnam-Carey is the character of Clark.
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He didn't kill her because she didn't turn. Why would she want him to kill her? Why do you have to go through the pain of sawing your arm off? Will waited to see if she would turn before offing her, but he made the correct choice.
Fear's writers want us to believe that Will would leave the shelter because he felt so bad, even though he had never left before.
That is an out-of-character moment for one of the OG characters.
Will apologized for not keeping his promise to her, and he was going to kill her if she had a bad case of the flu.
We know from the first episode that Will was in love withAlicia, but this episode doesn't establish that level of bond between them. They have a few scenes together. That is it.
Looking for Padre in the wrong places.
In the present day, Morgan is asked to help find Padre byAlicia, who learns that there is a secret government installation. A US Senator led Will's people. They were all killed by Teddy's people. The executioner of sorts was the zombified Senator.
The zombie Senator is being used byAlicia to lead her to Padre. Teddy's old cult are the people she's leading, they were just murdering everyone. I don't know why she would want to bring them to a place where they could just do it all over again. Okay.
Morgan is at his most reasonable in a long time this episode, which is a testament to what we are all thinking: We don't know if Padre is real but we're pretty sure zombies can't lead you to places because they're not living, sentient beings anymore
At one point, Strand himself shows up as the people chase them. I guess he wants her help despite not wanting it before or something, because he was shocked to find her and pleads with her to work together. This all makes sense.
At one point, Zombie Senator bites her arm, but she is not concerned. This is when we get a glimpse of her sawing off her arm and realizing that her current arm is not real. It's easy to install in the apocalypse.
The man is Victor Strand, played by Colman Domingo.
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She is still infectious and there is no way to save her. She got a minor zombie infection. They make you go a lot slower. It could be weeks or months. It's not a zombie infection that changes you in a few hours. They're not just making stuff up as they go along.
The tower is a place where people can go be safe that doesn't just let anyone in, and that is helpfully preventing a repeat of what happened at the Bunker.
It looks like she and Morgan might accept his offer when she sees a corpse. Will could have died in a number of ways. For instance, zombies could have gotten him. He was a total beginner, having lived in the safety of the Bunker.
She jumped to the conclusion that it was Strand. She is correct that it was Strand, but she has spent years with him. He is her oldest living friend. How are we supposed to believe that she would make a terrible decision about a man she cares about? It's so bad that it's painful to watch.
She says that you have taken a lot from her. I am going to take something from you.
"I don't want to do this with you,Alicia."
She says it is too late for that. I want the one thing that matters to you the most. I am taking that tower!
I will protect it if I have to.
We are going to war.
What a drivel. Most of the time, the one thing Strand cares about is itself. Not a tower. It is almost laugh-out-loud bad, made slightly less embarrassing by the line that comes next.
The Bugs Bunny.
Credit: Warner Bros.
The next eight episodes will be a drawn out battle between a dying Alicia and her allies on the submarine and the man in the tower. They may be preparing for the death of both characters. The two people on this burning ship, Alycia Debnam-Carey and Colman Domingo, don't want to stay.
It was bad. Very bad. Very bad television. The show was the worst I have seen all year. It is usually the worst show I watch in a given year. Season 6 was better than the previous one. It is almost to Season 5 levels of awfulness. The people responsible for ruining it are still in charge of it.
AMC, it's time to take fear the walking dead's problems seriously.
Scattered thoughts.
When these are just Teddy's leftovers and her actual people, why is she so determined to help? It is so inexplicable.
This show has validation of the entire scheme of things, even though it still casts him as the mustache-twirling villain. The people of the Senator were killed because they let strangers in. The geniuses who write this show think that is a bad thing. It's Riiiiiight.
I can't believe how bad this is. The zombies don't lead you to secret bases. Nobody would believe that. She was stupid and nave in the first two seasons.
Also, also! How would Will do anything if he was killed? He didn't know where she was, he didn't know what their relationship was like, and he didn't have a way to tell her he was dead. It is nonsense. She is going to take revenge on one of her oldest friends because he killed a guy she barely knew. This is very sensible.
She gave Will her pendant, but why did she give it to her? She knew him for a while.
She can not be dying from a walker bite. It is not possible. The Walking Dead has established about bites and it goes against everything this show is about. Maybe it is another type of infections. How could she possibly know?
Make it stop!
The house is clean. Hire some talent to save the disaster. This is mostly dead tire fire.
What did you think about the finale? Let me know on social media.
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