It might be difficult to track the theft.
J. Fingas was born on 12.05.21.
A man is seen in the picture
Large-scale heists are still a problem. The equivalent of $196 million was lost to a hack on the BitMart exchange. The intruders stole the funds from the two wallets in a matter of hours, starting with a flood of transfers at 2:30PM Eastern on December 4th, followed by an exodus of funds two hours later.
BitMart's founder said that a small percentage of the company's assets were at risk. The company is reviewing security and has frozen withdrawals.
It's not clear who was responsible, but the culprit may have been knowledgeable. Sometimes crypt thieves aren't that smart. The Poly Network attacker returned all their loot after they offered to surrender. They claimed they were contributing to Poly's security, but that might have been an attempt to avoid repercussions after researchers obtained potentially identifying data.
This isn't the biggest digital theft, but it is one of the larger centralized exchange hacks to date. The technology makes it easy to steal large sums of money with few repercussions.
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