You may have learned a few car maintenance basics while you were learning how to drive. To check the tread on your tires, use a penny.
The cost of this simple test has gone up over the years. Many automotive experts recommend using a quarter for this check instead of using a penny. Tony Markovich explains how to do this in an article for TheDrive. Here is what to know.
What is the significance of tire tread?
Markokvich says that the tire tread is cut in a pattern of grooves and ridges. The tread is important because it is how a vehicle grips the road.
If precipitation is involved, the grooves and ridges become less effective at allowing the vehicle to maintain traction. The treads help keep the car in control when the roads are slick.
The quarter has replaced the penny.
Traditionally, drivers have used a penny to check tire tread, since it is important.
If you can see the top of Lincoln's head, then it's time to change the tire. Markovich writes that the rule operates under the impression that 2/32 of an inch is the limit of an operational tire.
Some experts have questioned the rule for decades, and now some companies, organizations, and publications recommend using a quarter instead of a penny.
Markovich said that the rule assumed that 4/32 of an inch was the safe limit. The quarter test is used when it comes to tire safety.
How to check tire tread using a quarter.
Markovich has step-by-step instructions on how to check tire tread using a quarter.
1. Find the lowest point on the tire.
2. Place the quarter in between the tire's tread if you can see Washington's head.
3. If the top of his head is not buried, you are good.
4. It is time for new tires if you can see the top of his head.
Don't forget to check your tire pressure while you're down there.