NASA awarded three more commercial crew flights to the International Space Station to the company, according to the agency.
The certification of Boeing's Starliner was delayed. NASA still plans to do alternating missions between Boeing and SpaceX. Boeing has faced technical issues which have caused them to be behind schedule.
The agency said that the only one certified to meet NASA's safety requirements to transport crew to the space station was the SpaceX crew transportation system.
"Securing additional flights to the space station now is crucial to ensure a US presence on the station in the future," said Kathy Lueders, associate administrator at NASA.
Boeing experienced an "oxidizer isolation valve issue," which was discovered before a planned uncrewed Orbital Flight Test mission to the ISS in August. The test flight is important to show NASA that the spaceship can carry people.
Boeing may not be able to fly astronauts for NASA until 2023 due to the delays, according to Insider's Morgan McFall-Johnsen.
NASA picked the company to launch weather satellites as part of the GOES-U mission. The partnership had a contract worth $150 million.
The Insider's Kate Duffy reported that NASA awarded another $9.4 million contract to the company to develop moon-lander designs. NASA wants to send astronauts back to the moon by 2024.