Since the beginning of the Pandemic, dentists have reported a rise in grinding and clenching teeth.
Pain in teeth and gums, as well as jaw joints and muscles, can be symptoms of teeth clenching and/or grinding.
It can cause a lot of pain and affect your daily life.
We teach, research, and practice in the areas of prosthodontics and community dentistry. Here's what you need to know about grinding your teeth.
Are you clenching your jaw?
Our top and bottom teeth are designed to meet when we need them to.
Our top and bottom teeth make contact with each other, and we only chew a small portion of the day.
As you read this article, think about how you have positioned your teeth. If you're not eating or chewing while reading, your teeth should be separated when you're relaxed.
If we grind or clench more than nature intended, the teeth can become worn and the jaw muscles can become fatigued.
The temporomandibular joints, also known as the temporomandibular joints, attach the lower jaw to the skull.
This disc can become distorted or dislocate, which can lead to clicking, reducing function and causing pain.
One of the main contributing factors is stress.
When I see patients who complain of sore jaw joints, or who have obvious signs of grinding or wear on their teeth, I'll ask about stress.
"No, I'm not stressed at all!" is often the answer, but then when we sit and talk about what's really going in their life, the sources of stress quickly become apparent."
Starting a new job, challenges at home or with family, or dealing with a life change stress us more than we realize. It's difficult to identify when we're in tough times.
What can we do about it?
The first thing we need to do is become aware that we're grinding and clenching and that we can stop it.
The health of the jaw joints and the muscles that help you chew are checked by dental practitioners.
A dental check-up can help reveal the signs of teeth grinding and jaw clenching, which can include cracked teeth and fillings, worn crowns or cusps, and tender jaw muscles. The muscles on the sides of the head and neck are tender.
A multi-disciplinary approach to care may include stress management and physiotherapy.
If you grind at night, you might wake with sore teeth, jaw joints, or head and neck muscles. Ask your dentist if a bite guard might be right for you. These protect your teeth while you sleep.
If you have a sore jaw from clenching and grinding, avoid chewing gum for extended periods of time. It has been shown that chewing sugar-free gum can reduce the risk of tooth decay.
Managing the symptoms is addressing the cause.
At the end of the day, patients need to address the stressors which may be the underlying cause.
For many people, grinding teeth is a constant occurrence and disappears after the source of their stress has been mitigated.
It might be difficult for others.
Advice and care from a dentist can help you get the care you need.
Dale Howes is an Associate Professor of Prosthodontics at the University of Sydney.
The Conversation's article is a Creative Commons licensed one. The original article can be found here.